Just saw Kim & Mikey's latest Youtube update about the court case, etc. What a scumbag Lloyd is!
1. For attempting to blackmail thousands of dollars out of EACH of the 7 to 12 "criminal defendants."
2. Claiming it was Croatian court system drawing out his bullshit "lawsuit" against the 7 "Criminal Defendants" when all this time, it was HIM dragging his feet and knuckles like the Caveman Lawyer he is, all in order to keep his grift for more and more money going on longer!
There is 100% no "low" that he is not willing to keep from stooping to in order to not have to get a REAL JOB and continue living high off the hog of his gullible, low-IQ patreons and new ex-JW's unfamiliar with his slimy antics.
I hope this goober chokes on a Lady-Boiz dick!