JoinedTopics Started by WingCommander
New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!
by WingCommander ini swear, you can't make this shit up!
for years and years growing up in this cult, i had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth.
" of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning elduhzzzz who ran and lorded it out over the congregations, but i digress.
WT HQ is never proactive, they are reactive to everything put out showing their blatant hypocrisy and abject stupidity
by WingCommander ina few on here (and of course many on the ex-jw reddit forum) have mentioned that wt hq just recently (like in the past couple months) put out a video warning against the praising of jw actors, taking photos with them, etc.
to not do it anymore.
it was narrated by geoffrey jackson.
Be Obedient and Submissive to the Faithful Slave. Hmmm...Sounds kinky!!!
by WingCommander inseriously, how have i never caught on as to how kinky this weird cult language sounds?
"be obedient and submissive to the faithful slave.
"may i have another flogging, mr.
WT needs your kids uneducated: CO training video is Master Class in F.O.G. This is jaw-droppingly stupid. Beyond moronic, it's sub-moronic.
by WingCommander inco training video: link to ex-jw reddit thread discussion.
today is the first time i was made aware of this actual elder body video.
it's training for how a co should handle elder's whose children decide to pursue further education.
Interesting that the other cult-cousins are going thru nearly identical hemmoraging of members.....
by WingCommander ini still read on reddit.
(though no longer post) occasionally, i'll venture over to the ex-seventh day adventist (sda) sub and catch up a bit.
it's been a long time.
August WT: DF'ing renamed "Removed." AKA: GB re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic
by WingCommander inso: the mystery has been clarified as to more "new light" / clarifications of decades old doctrine and procedure.
august watchtower has finally been leaked.
My guess for August WatchTower: GB claims we're in beginning stages of Great Tribulation due to World governments turning on JW's
by WingCommander inthe september watchtower has already been released and is being discussed over on reddit.
some highlights: .
1. more hitting the flock on total reliance and obedience to god's representatives on earth today, the f&ds (the governing body, of course).
Former Lancaster, PA Elder convicted of child sexual abuse of multiple victims .......
by WingCommander inanother creepy pervert elder convicted of multiple counts of child sexual abuse in pennsylvania.
this guy moved from puerto rico to lancaster, pa in the 1990's, worked his way up thru to being an elder, and then used his position to babysit families with children and abuse them.
he then denied everything, but when some victims went to the police, he fled back to pr, where us marshall's eventually caught up to him and arrested him.
40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
VICE: The Dark Secret at the Heart of Jehovah's Witnesses
by WingCommander injust dropped on vice network's youtube channel.
no matter what you may think of some of vice's politics, they have several good series throughout the years.
this is one of their series that interviews informants and people who've left and they expose the inter workings of things.