Not surprised at all. In my late teens and 20's I saw this behaviour towards my own family.
1. My father became terminally ill. My mother worked full-time as an RN. Both parents JW's for 20 years, always in good standing. My worn-out mother asked for shepherding visits, maybe an announcement for meals, etc. This was a lot, as my mother NEVER asked for help, ever! Know what the elders did? Told my mother they weren't a charity, and that if she's down she should pray more, attend more meetings, and be more regular in the field ministry. Her jaw was on the floor. Meanwhile, a fat Elder just had by-pass surgery, and an announcement was made from the podium to please take meals to his wife, etc. Did I mention this woman didn't work a job in her life, etc? She had nothing to do! My father passed away. The entire "we don't give a shit" attitude of the JW's woke my mother up!
2. My the 80-something grandmother was a bit overweight, had diabetes, and also bad arthritis. She had to stop her letter-writing. One summer day, some old Pioneer sisters dropped by on their route. The called up to my grandma's room and asked why she wasn't out walking a route? Umm......cause she's 84 yrs old and has crippling arthritis? GTFOOH!!!!
3. My own mother than became terminally ill after receiving a life-saving organ transplant that didn't take. We were 200 miles from home at a well-known "Bloodless" University Hospital. (as bloodless as you can get anyway) So my mother is only days from death, so I called up our Presiding Overseer who was typically a pretty nice guy. I was alone in a parking garage, pretty distraught from the day when I called him at 6 pm. I conveyed the grim situation, and asked if he could perform a shepherding visit, etc. Want to know what this heartless fucker did to me? He informed me that I was "interrupting his dinner" and that I should contact the local Body of Elders and have one of them come to see her one last time. Then, he promptly hung up on me. I was STUNNED!!!!! No words of consolation, no scriptures, no NOTHING except to basically tell me I'm on my own and stop bothering him during his dinner. I was so aghast at the "fine Christian luvvvvv" on top of my already dire situation, that I burst into tears, alone in my car. It was probably the final blow for me. After that, I didn't give a fug what JW's thought, taught, or anything else. On top of that, upon learning of my mother's condition, her co-workers (also RN's) rented a large mini-van, took off work for 2 days, and drove down to visit my mother the next day. Mercifully, she was awake and aware (her last good day on earth) and it was a bright sunny day. They visited, took me to lunch, consoled me, and also came to her funeral. The hospital also planted a tree and bench with plaque in her honour. (she worked there 35 years) I was STUNNED!!!!! These were her "Worldly" co-workers. The JW's didn't give 2 shits, but all these other people did. I was so grateful to them.
JW's are a total CULT. They only care about someone as much as they are able to USE THEM and get all of their money. When you're old or sick, they are NOWHERE to be found. They are 100% USELESS FUCKERS!!!
Take my word for it. I lived this shit. WatchTower is it's own favourite charity.