Yes others have also digressed here, in fact this thread has gone on to other Trinity issues. My points were primarily for future posts of mine.
The fact remains that you singled me out. Isn't it dishonest to now say "I meant the other posters as well" when you didn't even hint that you objected to their digressions?
If you think that the Trinity doctrine is unscriptural then present your side from the scriptures rather than from illustrations which many times use insults, and misrepresentation of others beliefs.
"One of the lawyers said to Jesus in reply, 'Teacher, when you say this, you insult us.'" (Luke 11:45) Could it be in your case as well that the insults are in the mind of the beholder?
And if you can't make your case without violating posting guidelines, you don't belong on the forum.
A statement like that betrays your soft spot, Hoob. Where did you get this authority to establish laws for the rest of us? Where are the forum rules that I've in any way violated? It's quite obvious that my pictures have said more than you can bear in exposing the Trinity doctrine as false and its teachers as not abiding by the Bible.