Bruce, there are still good elders who wouldn't go with the darkness but they don't last very long. Illegal pedophilia, electronic abuses and the like cannot keep Humpty Dumpy's glasshouse together.
JoinedPosts by onthego
Spirit in my house?
by Sirona injust thought i'd share with you some wierd happenings in my house..... i woke up one morning to see the figure of a young boy standing looking at me.
he was there for a split second then vanished.
i wasn't afraid - it was just sort of wierd.
Do you believe in demons, Ted Jarasz?
by onthego inare you able to sleep at night?
knowing pat garza has gone public saying how you molested her and others when a district overseer in los angeles?
seeing that still another lawsuit was filed the first day of the 2003 new year against the watchtower society you are a governing body member of?
Are you able to sleep at night? Knowing Pat Garza has gone public saying how you molested her and others when a District Overseer in Los Angeles? Seeing that still another lawsuit was filed the first day of the 2003 New year against the Watchtower Society you are a Governing Body member of?
Ted, did you think things would just "go away" when the website was messed up? Did you think a few posers could make drive a wedge between Bill Bowen of and ex-Governing Body member Ray Franz who wanted reforms and wrote Crisis Of Conscience?
Doesn't it worry you what your "angels" in the congregations are doing will come back to haunt you yourself? Or do you care, little man lost in the tower of delusions...
Spirit in my house?
by Sirona injust thought i'd share with you some wierd happenings in my house..... i woke up one morning to see the figure of a young boy standing looking at me.
he was there for a split second then vanished.
i wasn't afraid - it was just sort of wierd.
It's been discussed before that you should also consider that some Watchtower elders and their allies especially in halls where they hide pedophilia and the like use micro-electronic transmitter devices to project sounds and voices. They also tap into your conversations and prayers.
Pathetic Effort To Destroy
by onthego inrather than focus on ted jarasz of the watchtower's gov body being openly accused as a child molestor and the like, some fruitcakes falsely claimed bill bowen, (the exposer of the wt's pedophile coverup policy) attacked ray franz and just today hint that perhaps he sabotaged his own website.
they also try to plant seeds of jealousy against bill bowen.
this is a clear effort to try to play bill bowen against franz (both of whom oppose watchtower tyranny) and to destroy silentlambs.
Rather than focus on Ted Jarasz of the Watchtower's Gov Body being openly accused as a child molestor and the like, some fruitcakes falsely claimed Bill Bowen, (the exposer of the WT's pedophile coverup policy) attacked Ray Franz and just today hint that perhaps he sabotaged his own website. They also try to plant seeds of jealousy against Bill Bowen.
This is a clear effort to try to play Bill Bowen against Franz (both of whom oppose Watchtower tyranny) and to destroy silentlambs.
What a pathethically obvious "Theocratic Warfare" ruse, and doomed to fail. The WT and its fanatic helpers, both internal and amid the love-hate folds of the related Bible Student groups, would do better to focus on the WT's needing to defend its pedophile, child-molesting friends in the courts.
silent lambs sabotaged
by wednesday inour worst fears has happened the website has been sabotaged.
we are working to restore a back up copy and will try to get up running soon.
i have asked the new webmaster to provide an explanation when he can.
Let everybody know as soon as it gets fixed, please.
Edited by - onthego on 21 December 2002 12:21:40
silent lambs sabotaged
by wednesday inour worst fears has happened the website has been sabotaged.
we are working to restore a back up copy and will try to get up running soon.
i have asked the new webmaster to provide an explanation when he can.
I will make an "observation" rather than an "unfounded accusation" and that observation is that the sabotaging of the website best serves the interests of the Watchtower Society and those of her most fanatical supporters.
Is that fair or not, Simon?
Bill needs to have mirroring websites from Certain folks are happy when voices like those of Bill and Kent and others are put into disarray.
That's a well-founded observation I do believe.
by jimbob inperhaps this information has already been posted, so if it has i apologize.
but according to the jan 1st watchtower which was given to me, there was a 2.8% increase in publishers in the world over last year, with over 1.2 billion hours spent in service...(like those numbers aren't inflated.... when i looked back at the 92 watchtower, the number of partakers was only 8850...a mere 90 people more.
so in the span of an entire decade...only 90 people have died?????
They counted the highest peak month which was when September 11 occurred. No real growth but decline worldwide. In September 2002 the New York terrorism caused some inactives to go to the halls to calm their active JW mates and friends.
Do not blame the workers in the field
by whyhideit inoften when discussing with jehovah's witnesses the problems of the organization, it is common for them to say they think you are lying.
they may feel in some way or another that you have fallen away from the pure light, and have become blinded to jehovah, and opened your eyes to satan's false teaching.
these words, and the thinking i have expressed, should sound very familiar to any reader who has spent time in the organization.
All need to be informed and the Bible also supports this saying "you will know the truth and it will set you free."
It is not the person but truth itself that frees minds. Get the information to them, say by emailing or mailing it to them.
If they personally know who you are they will dismiss what you have to say because of "you," but they cannot so lightly dismiss the facts themselves.
HELP! WT denies possesion of personal data
by izobcenec inoto lutar, former jw, recently sent this letter to our branch office in slovenia:.
dear sirs.
2001 when i was disfellowshiped.
Also they may not have the records because they sent them or a copy of them to another country such as the U.S. after you wrote to them. Ask them if not they but an affiliated person or organization has possession of the documents or a copy of those documents.
Edited by - onthego on 18 December 2002 17:22:0
Note to SilentLambs
by Amazing inhi bill: .
with great interest i read your letter posted by lin.
i agree wholeheartedly with you that you should and need to own your site and all material.
It sometimes happens that someone does leave a voice mail but it doesn't get recorded. Fault the machine, not the people!
Why play along supporting the Watchtower guys by doing so including their Ted Jarasz who is openly alleged a pedophile and doesn't deny it?