You have a great site it has helped me quite a bit.
i thought some of you might enjoy some more email i have received as a result of my quotes webpage.from: teena turner [email address removed].
i cannot believe how low some of you people will sink in order to slander jehovah's name.
how reliable are these quotes?
You have a great site it has helped me quite a bit.
i am curious.. 1) does anyone on this board have an opinion about the refusnik movement occurring in israel?.
2) can anyone who has left the wt organization (for conscientious reasons) relate to the consequences of their present position?.
I ,for one, have been inspired by this group
Me too!
i am curious.. 1) does anyone on this board have an opinion about the refusnik movement occurring in israel?.
2) can anyone who has left the wt organization (for conscientious reasons) relate to the consequences of their present position?.
It seems to me their conscience's bother them. It takes a lot to stand up for what you believe over there.
I also believe that the state of Israel behaves like a Facist state so it should make things interesting for the refuseniks.
Considering that you can't even place a Bible with a Jew sure seems like Facism to me.
I believe the Jw's are very limited in what they can do there.
The refuseniks are like the Jw's in some ways wouldn't you say.