Stop studying with JWs asap. Tell them whatever it takes to get them to stop. Then start research the Bible, is it really gods word? When I was your age born in JW I asked and elder why we believe the Bible is gods word what proof. He said that the Bible had no contradictions, all the prophecies had come true except the final 3 or so and that the Bible said the earth was round before and knew it.
Well it took me years before I found out what he said was not true. There's tons of contradictions you can find these online. Some are taken out of context but the vast majority are really contradictions. 2 theres a lot of prophecies that didn't come true just read Ezekiel chapter 29 starting about verse 9 and keep reading for a couple of chapters, none of those came true. 3 the Egyptians and Greeks knew the earth was round at least 2 centuries BC, also I looked at the original translation and it was ment to mean round like a plate because at the time the Babylonians thought we lived in a world like a snow globe. Welcome and keep learning.