As we know being former JWs that we were taught that Jerusalem was destroyed then 70 years it would be desolate. Well this isn't about Jerusalem and the 607/ 587 argument. This is about the whole subject of the 70 years desolation being a huge Bible fraud.
First let's start with Jerimiah 29:10 in this verse it says the desolation was for Babylon not Jerusalem, what wait a minute. But then it get even better turn to Isaiah chapter 23 where it's taking about the coming destruction of the city of Tyre it says in the chapter it to would be part of this 70 year desolation, this is what we've been led to believe any way. That Nebuchadnezzar was going to destroy Tyre right with Jerusalem and they'll be gone 70 years. But wait in verse 13 it says that Babylon is no more. Say what, what the hell? So who's going to destroy Tyre if Babylon according to these chapters is destroyed already. What the hell is going on, this is nothing I've read or been taught?
So lets review Jerimiah writtings seem to indicate that the Jews were going back to Babylon but it says the 70 years of desolation was for Babylon and in Isaiah it says that the city of Tyre would also be destroyed and desolate for 70 years but not by Babylon because it's no more. So what's going on? Well let's see what history says really happen. An Assyrian king Sennacherib got fed up with the Babylonians so he march down to Babylon moved the people out and destroyed the city in 693 BC. He then put a 70 year curse on the city. It was also he that had besieged Tyre but was unable to completely destroy the city. After he died his ruling son reversed the curse by using his priest to invert the number to say 11 years instead of 70. Babylons cures was no more and the city rebuilt.
So the 70 years of desolation for Tyre and Babylon never happened and neither did it for Jerusalem in fact it's pretty obvious that the Bible writers stole the 70 year curse idea or maybe these writtings were redacted and the names of the Assyrians were replaced with that of Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians. The whole thing is a fraud and it can be confirmed in Ezekiel. Like Isaiah and Jerimiah, Ezekiel seems to be prophecying against Tyre at like 124 years of age but by chapter 29 he's or the writer is saying the Babylonians are going to be given Egypt as spoils since things didn't go to well at Tyre, meaning the prophecies about Babylon destroying Tyre did come to completion. Ezekiel goes on to prophecy that the Babylonians would destroy Egypt the land would become desolate for 40 years , the Nile would dry up and not even an animal would be there. Well this didn't happen either. Babylons attempt to invade had limited success and in the end it failed.
In review the 70 year desolation was clearly a Assyrian decree and it didn't happen! 607 doesn't matter 587 doesn't matter none of it matters because it all one big fat fraud and all three prophets Isaiah, Jerimiah, and Ezekiel were all false prophets!