Her smile tells you what, that she agrees? The JWs really are simple minded people.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Gorby: shock from convention today
by Gorbatchov ingorby went for family reasons today, sunday, to the convention in switerbant, netherlands.. from the start it was clear, a fully media event.
country, gospel and choir songs combined with socio emotional videos for tear teasing.
some sisters danced with their hips.
The Great Pyramid and the Flood of Noah
by TerryWalstrom inthe great pyramid and the flood of noah.
_________________________________if your world view rests firmly upon the foundation of bible accuracy matching the reality of history, sooner or later you’ll crash into the question of when the great pyramid was built.why?let’s see why…2 peter 3:5-6 complete jewish bible (cjb).
5 but, wanting so much to be right about this, they overlook the fact that it was by god’s word that long ago there were heavens, and there was land which arose out of water and existed between the waters, 6 and that by means of these things the world of that time was flooded with water and destroyed.________________________________________________.
Great thread, this is one subject that just kills the Bible and taking it literally. According to the JWs timeline the pyramids at Giza had to be built before the flood. Even if they could some how argue this way there's one issue they can't. Mizraim, the patriarch of Egypt according to the Bible. But wait there literally a thousand years of Egyptian kings before this guy written in stone and on the Turin list as well as several temples in Egypt. These kings most have been confirmed by archaeologists. That's again one thousands years of Egyptian history and kings before the grandson of Noah came on the seen.
We also need to remember (if the JWs are correct) after they were all killed by the flood Noah's grandson moved to Egypt had kids and his offspring picked up right were the Egyptians left off , building the same way , worshiping the same gods, making the same kind of temples , dressing the same , and then built more pyramids, the same way.
How much do you think the internet has hurt JW growth?
by HereIgo inthe internet is what helped bring me and so many others out of this evil organization or at least confirmed our doubts.
i have to say, i have seen quite a few youtube videos recently of ex jw's secretly recording their interactions inside of different congregations, halls, etc and see how empty the halls are!
so many people comment on how the attendance is so low, far more emptier than when i was in 6 years ago, even on a weekday meeting.
Slimboyfat, great post because you hit the nail on the head. Their retention sucks and I've noticed that if your in a congregation with lots of social people doing lots of things it may work out better for the cult at keeping ones in longer. But in all reality a lot of congregations have little going on members are not that friendly lots of cliques etc. Those congregations chase their members away .
cults truly have to keep their members in a vacuum or they lose them. Your going to hear more and more the cult telling its members not to watch tv go on the internet look at any info etc.
The Finished Mystery
by Jules Saturn inhey just wanted to ask if anyone here knows where i could find a legit copy of the finished mystery, one of charles taze russell's books if i'm not mistaken?
there's a couple of older brothers and sisters that i know, you think it's a good idea to ask if they have a copy?
i've seen some on amazon and even on ebay but again not entirely sure if they're legit or not.
It was written after Russell died supposedly Rutherford wrote it but he wrote that he was being guided by Russell who was one of the angels spoken about in the book of Revelations.
by Awakenednow inso...i watched the new netflix movie, "uncknowledged" by dr steven greer today fierce hearing to dj's discussing it on the radio, minds blown.
it makes a strong case for ufo's and totally screws up jw doctrine about the earth having the only intelligent life in the universe, as it is where the issue of universal sovereignty is played out and decided....the gb will need to do some fast talking.
it will be fascinating to blow some jw minds with this.
Didn't listen will check it out but the thought that this planet is the only one with any intelligent life is just plain stupid!
Will hurricane Harvey infuse the WTBT$ with more money? Or cost them more money?
by exjwlemming inin the past, i have known many brothers that had trekked down to the southern us to perform relief work on behalf of the wtbt$.
they return as heros.
they shared the repairing and rebuilding of kh and the property of fellow believers.
I think they want local elders or Ldc brothers running the show down there. They then can get the insurance checks and have local brothers do all the work. Done, maybe they didn't take you up on your offer because they hadn't thought of the scam yet or they didn't want to expose themselves in some way by using you?.
by Akid48 inmy family has been nice acting after a family member eavesdropped on me and learn that i don't like jws any more.but how mad and the feeling of getting backstabed when i had my hole family got mad at me at one time.i love my family and understand why they acted that way but that feeling of getting backstabed never goes away i have tryed to put the feeling in back of my mind but he always comes back when i talk to a family..
Remember their victims too.
Signs that the last days really are here
by Half banana innot for the world but for the watchtower cult.. .
what happens to organizations which are on the decline?
what are the signs of impending doom?.
Thier growth is done that's the good news. As the ones from the early 1970s that came in die off the numbers will continue to go down. Thier already lying about thier numbers but as the sell off of kingdoms halls continue they'll become less and less relevant. Even now most stay because of family and friends. The good news is now we're seeing entire families leaving at once not like in the past when only the black sheep would leave or just the victims.
The snow ball is picking up steam and is getting larger as it rolls down the hill.
Solomon's gold mines called a myth but there's one so-called prophecy that always makes me stop and think
by Isambard Crater inthe authenticity of the old testament account of solomon is being called into question in the news media:.
for the most-part, i don't really want to believe the bible as true, certainly not the j.w version including their stubbornness over 607 and 1914. but there's one prophecy that always makes me stop and wonder if maybe some of the bible was inspired by god, if he or she exists.
Go back and read about Solomon s gold mines and his building of the temple. See according to all the measurements how small the temple would of been . How 10,000 people per day could work on such a small building with 150,000 support staff and yet it still take 7 years. Figure out how much gold and silver was to be there and how impossible that was. Then compare the temple and it's construction and ask yourself why the god of the universe temple looks just like some of those built in Egypt and Arn Dara Syria?
The Real Ark of the Covenant May Have Housed Pagan Gods - Haaretz
by fulltimestudent inaccording to the bible, the biblical ark of the covenant contained the ten commandments tablets, but some israeli archaeologists have a different view.. haaretz media site publishes the story:.
the real ark of the covenant may have housed pagan gods.
the holy ark was likely kept in jerusalem for much less time than the bible tells us.
The exodus Moses story has a lot of elements of Egyptian god mythology in it. Moses is told gods name is I am that I am, yet the word were told is the word for "that" is very similar to one of the names of Osiris. Osiris was also born or came from MT Sinai . The Ten Commandments mostly come from the 42 negative confessions of the Osirisian cult. Moses after seeing god has what would seem like two horns or rays of light coming from his head, this could be a reference to the God Amun.
Another thing to note is the ark is very much an Egyptian Bark. A box the Egyptians used to carry around certain gods from one temple to the next during festivals etc.. We will probably never know who wrote this exodus story but it's a pretty god fairy tale of a story as long as you don't take it seriously.