It’s hard to stay a believers when you read books and passages like the ones you mentioned. As you read you find mistakes , scientific, mathematical, historical etc.. The book of Daniel has many of these for example the first chapter gets the time line of when the king of Babylon starts his reign comparing it to that of the kings of Jerusalem. In a later chapter the writer mentions Darius the Mede yet there and never been a Darius the Mede. He is obviously meaning Darius the Persian even mentioning a family member Xerxes his father. But he gets that wrong too, Xerxes is Darius son not his father.
Mistakes like these can be found throughout the Bible. David killed Goliath in one book of the Bible yet Saul didn’t seem to know who it was that killed him even though David was at his tent all the time. Another book states some one else killed Goliath so modern writer changed the passage to say it was the brother of Goliath. Then there’s the gospels with stories about Jesus yet again each gospel is different in both the death and birth stories of this messiah.