Why Paterson and not Warwick?
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Organizational Accomplishments - Expanded Video Production Facilities at Patterson
by wifibandit inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnzlcngtf-8.
Irish Elders deleted by Watchtower for reporting child sex abuse allegation to police
by Diogenesister intwo elders have been deleted by watchtower for reporting an allegation of child sexual abuse to the police, contrary to watchtower orders (a jw paedophile with a history, apparently).
when the british branch discovered what the elders had done they arranged for 3 elders to fly over to ireland, at the congregations expense no less, to hold a special jc for the ' rogue' congregation elders.
one elder and the cobe were deleted, two were allowed to continue.
Unfortunately there’s no proof that these elders were deleted because of reporting the child abuse. So unless one of these elders or both go to the press and have interviews it won’t do any good. Even then most JWs won’t believe it. I’m not trying to be a pessimist but these elders need to come out and say something publicly and try to maybe help more to leave this cult.
Hellaby UK circuit A$$emb£y this Sunday
by punkofnice inmy spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
Dozy, you may not realize that the pioneers are allowed to go to an assembly hall and volunteer there and count their hours. So that means that there would be no work for a bunch of JW volunteers showing up just to help out. Every week usually on mondays the place is swarming with pioneers counting their hours.
252 Congregations have closed in Germany since 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is a video from down with the tower.
it's excellent.
enjoy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0lvvy2qurm.
Getting off subject but those numbers from Japan just look off to me 10 years from about 2001 on where their growth or decline is not moving much at all. Just looks like the numbers are being manipulated.
Hellaby UK circuit A$$emb£y this Sunday
by punkofnice inmy spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
Believe me they had to redo a lot of stuff at Warwick .
Hellaby UK circuit A$$emb£y this Sunday
by punkofnice inmy spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
I was there this weekend a sister went into labor during the assembly, they insisted that she not leave. When the child was born they rushed it forward and baptized it, it was the only one baptized. J/k
252 Congregations have closed in Germany since 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is a video from down with the tower.
it's excellent.
enjoy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0lvvy2qurm.
What I noticed on some of these graphs is the less then 80 publishers per congregation in a lot of those countries. They are probably realizing that that’s not enough publishers to really be viable when it comes to costs and donations. Maybe their thinking get closer to 100 publishers per congregation to maximize their investment. It also frees up tons of halls to be sold for some easy money. The last thing is with so many leaving and dying having congregations with only 60-70 publishers people are really going to notice when 10 or 20 leave or die.
252 Congregations have closed in Germany since 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is a video from down with the tower.
it's excellent.
enjoy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0lvvy2qurm.
Someone over a Reddit post numbers going back each year for a few years. According to his numbers in 2013 the number of congregations closed went way up to 62 and continued to rise and the last couple of years well over 100 per year. Don’t know where he got his info from. He’s says it may have to do with changes of each congregations legal status and possible reductions from the LDC.
He also just posted that his sources are research in Germany of closed halls. Info provided at JW.borg and other official sources. He lists a German website as well of I believe all the sold halls. The website listed is https://www.jehovaszeugen.de/amtsblatt.44.0.html
American JWs - Marriage in Foreign Countries
by NeverKnew inas a non-jw, i now know of at least 3 american jws who have left the country, married some random person in a third world country and who have returned to the us alone.
there may be a 4th one soon.. it could be pure coincidence, but just thought i’d throw it out there to see if there’s some bizarre jw logic to this .
i’m no longer close enough to the group to hear any details so... could be purely coincidence.
I knew of an ugly sister that went to Australia thinking she would have a better chance at getting married since supposedly there are more men than woman down there. She came back empty handed.
God will not let you suffer more than you can bare.
by StephaneLaliberte ini had a conversation with an old jw friend and he spent a good part of the evening preaching to me.
as i am “inactive”, i am forced to stay low, thus, i was not argumentative.
yet, at one moment, he said that angels protect jws in field service and other situations.
The things people will say and do to continue to believe in an invisible man in the sky. I’m sure letting those 45 people die in that hurricane was way better for them and their families then to save them. Makes all the sense in the world!