Done , why would they mark you for dating?
I had a friend that was marked for dating lots of girls and then not marrying any of them. I don’t believe he was told because he was present during the meeting. He soon changed congregations.
my pimi (physically in, mentally in) friend believes she was marked without them telling her.
i believe her, and she has been making work for the elders.
she is a pain in their arse, and they are a pain in hers, which is great.
Done , why would they mark you for dating?
I had a friend that was marked for dating lots of girls and then not marrying any of them. I don’t believe he was told because he was present during the meeting. He soon changed congregations.
the us army backs up the green back and saudi's oil must be paid in dollars so that every nation that uses oil must buy money from the us to pay for oil.. is it advantageous to print money or is digital money the upcoming economy?.
also, are bitcoins legal?
i read that market for them is soaring.
The US dollar is the gold standard currency of the world. If you want to buy oil from any OPEC member nation you have to do it with this currency. The federal reserve bank and others monipulate gold silver and other currencies to keep the US money king. They have gone to war and overthrown governments to keep it King.
Bitcoin will fare no differently, it may do for a while but eventually there will be a monipulated crash. If not then they’ll tie it to the US dollar some way.
i know we have spoken of this before, but in light of the appaling november 2017 jwdotorg broadcast, these scriptures just need to be highlighted!.
please re-read them, and tell me if they don't apply to the society !?!.
I’ll said this before and I’ll say it again, when they introduced the overlapping generation teaching, to those that stayed they knew they could teach or say whatever pile of rubbish they wanted.
i have friends who are called "worldly people" by jws.
these people are actively involved in feeding the homeless over christmas.
managing thrift shops so they can send financial aid overseas to poorer children.
I once brought out the scriptures where a man is curing the sick and preforming miracles but he wasn’t an apostle of jesus or one of his disciples. The apostles approached Jesus and told him what this man was doing and asked if they should stop him. He said in a sense if he’s not against me then he’s for me, leave him alone.
The elders I read this too didn’t like these verses very well at all. If Jesus were real and truly the son of god he would not be to fond of the JW cult!
i had long held the piece of the jigsaw puzzle which starts at genesis 2:4b – the yahwist’s creation story.
i knew that its authors had never heard of lamarck’s theory of evolution, nor had they read darwin’s “origin of species”.
the authors were addressing their own immediate culture, so i had to transport my mind to their times.
One thing I found interesting is the Ashurah cult may have gone away a bit before the 1 century but the Greeks had their version and Isis was the same deity in Egypt. The interesting part is when you read about this female deity and then about Jesus , the writers have him taking on some of the same attributes as her.
They also did some of the same things. Ashurah rides a donkey in a much earlier tale. Ashurah is stripped naked , her crown taken , she’s put on trial in a kangaroo court killed hung on a hook then resurrected by her friends three days later, assends back up to heaven because she’s the queen of heaven and of course he does the same and becomes king of heaven. There are I think more similarities between him and her then any other deity he was modeled after.
Maybe it’s time you study all things under the sun so to speak and really if the truth is really the truth. Again maybe you’ll be able to free yourself from slavery. The Bible says don’t be slaves of men! So why be? Do yourself a favor free yourself and gain knowledge.
i had long held the piece of the jigsaw puzzle which starts at genesis 2:4b – the yahwist’s creation story.
i knew that its authors had never heard of lamarck’s theory of evolution, nor had they read darwin’s “origin of species”.
the authors were addressing their own immediate culture, so i had to transport my mind to their times.
I’m under the idea that the Old Testament was heavily influenced by the Greeks maybe even writen by them. I read somewhere that even though the Greeks had their female god and in some cases the female was looked at as an equal in other parts the female was not so respected. Despite the lack of a female adoration in the Bible theres still proverbs chapter 4 which likens wisdom as female. One of the attributes of Ashurah was wisdom.
Also some of the character in the Bible people have thought were in fact a tale about a god. Could it be that some of the female characters in the Bible were a story about Ashurah?
I would move on with your life get remarried if that’s what you want and live your life to it’s fullest. You only live once, don’t waste it.
As far as religious beliefs are concerned the Bible has been changed over the centuries to fit the ideas of the church leaders. Many of the things in the Bible today were not there 500 years ago. If you want to check one as an example go to Revelations 5:9-10 in your Greek interlinear. In the original Greek you’ll find that they are not mentioned as kings and do not reign over the earth but on it as priest.
Then ask yourself if Jesus would really want you to destroy your life and future because of a liar? Is that loving ?
abc news (australia)
tasmanian tigers were in poor genetic health tens of thousands of years before humans came along and hunted them to extinction, a new dna study of the iconic australian marsupial shows.. .
.. nature ecology & evolution .
Thanks for sharing this!
hopefully more are on the same path.
here is the story..... this person i know was the model jw, and them and their spouse could have really moved up.
they knew i was gone and awhile ago started asking me questions.
Lett woke me up when at a DC he said he was considered an apostate back in the early 70’s while at bethel. He said he was one of the few there that didn’t think that Armageddon would hit in 1975. What ? Wait we were told back then that only a few rogue elders cos or dos thought this and it wasn’t from bethel. What your saying now Lett is the exact opposite. Hmmm , I think I’ll do some research.