Could it be that Tony is the most conceited little prick the cult has had since Rutherford?
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
May I ask for help about Egyptian chronology and Neolithic settlements?
by paradiseseeker inone of the first things that shook my faith as a teenager was learning about egypt and how its history goes back as far as 3500 bc, much earlier than the flood.
also learning about the first settlements like çatalhöyük, which flourished around 7500 bc, much earlier than the creation of adam.
the only answer i got from my mother was that this world is dominated by satan and thus we cannot trust in worldly chronologies.
According to the WT the flood took place during the reign of the Pharaoh Unas. Unas built a pyramid and somehow it like most of the other pyramids survived the flood. What’s also weird is Unas daughter married the next Pharaoh, so some how she and her husband must of stowed away on the Ark.
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
I definitely think The zodiac has something todo with these writtings and maybe some code in them. We see that plainly in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 10 where he’s describing the chariot of god and it’s clearly the 4 cardinal points of the zodiac at that time.
One question I’ve pondered recently is why did a Greek ruler supposedly get 72 Jewish scholars to gather together and translate writings supposedly Jewish writings in to the Septuagint? Doesn’t really make sense unless it had something to do with a bigger issue.
May I ask for help about Egyptian chronology and Neolithic settlements?
by paradiseseeker inone of the first things that shook my faith as a teenager was learning about egypt and how its history goes back as far as 3500 bc, much earlier than the flood.
also learning about the first settlements like çatalhöyük, which flourished around 7500 bc, much earlier than the creation of adam.
the only answer i got from my mother was that this world is dominated by satan and thus we cannot trust in worldly chronologies.
There’s the Turin kings list as well as lists of kings found on Egyptian temple walls that help to destroy the JW argument. It’s true some of the places and things in Egypt may not be accurately dated such as The Sphinx and maybe even the great pyramids at Egypt as well as the osirian temple. There however many temples and pyramids that have been dated to dates and kings that show the mistakes of the JWs. Just look at the dates of the flood according to the JWs at about 2370 and then look at what egyptologists show as who the king was and what pyramid he was building.
The other thing to take into consideration is Egyptologists show who was ruling at the time and what cities were built and temples etc all the way down in to the Roman era. So with this being said the JWs only real argument is that these older kings and thier building projects must have happened somewhere in time during the rule of another king. So an example would have to be while Ramses was off fighting the Hittites another Pharaoh rose to power had the people quickly biuld a temple and a pyramid and then disappeared into the mist before Ramses returned. This must of happened quite a lot .
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
What I found interesting is the letters YHWH were inserted into the places where the original word Lord was in the Greek text. I always thought the word lord was put in to the place were Adoni was used. If I’m correct its where the word El is used that became Adoni and the word Baal was used becomes YHWH.
Anyway if we could find the original text somewhere I’m willing to bet that the gods Baal Hadad and El, names would be where we now see the word Jehovah used in the Bible but that also the gods Marduk, AmunRA, Enki, Enlil, Anu, Osiris these names would also be at times where we see the name Jehovah.
Consolidation of Bethel Big-Wigs Now?
by The Fall Guy ina reliable source has informed me that a bethel contact has informed them that paul gillies - a london branch committee heavyweight - is moving to warwick to join the legal department there.
anyone else aware of this?.
during the recent court case in russia, he posed for a photograph with the gb member and the rest of the wt a-team..
Well I have read that about half of the living facilities At Warwick are empty so there’s plenty of room.
The hypocrisy of today's Watchtower
by UnshackleTheChains ini don't really need to explain anything really.
all i can say is that i was gob smacked at the sheer audaciousness of the entire study article.
i'm still speechless.
Do as we say not as we do.
Do Not Judge So That You Will Not Be Judged. Mth. 7:1
by ini do not believe in the bible but i will use the reasoning from the new testament to argue against watchtower.
the reason i will only use the new testament is that jesus replaced the mosaic law with himself.
even watchtower agree with this principle.
Here is the problem , Paul if you believe the guy really exsisted and wrote all the books hes said to have wrote, contradicts what Jesus said if you believe he was real. So the Bible is kinda like WT Russel said a bunch of crap then Rutherford comes along and says a bunch of stuff that contradicts Russel.
Jesus fulfilling old testament prophecies like his legs not being broken
by Isambard Crater inwhat are everyone's thoughts on this, how his legs weren't broken, he was pierced with a spear and he wore a thorny crown?.
i'm pimo and very much not wanting to believe, but like the daniel statue prophecies, these ones about jesus stick in my mind and give me "hmmm, maybe" moments..
I don’t know why the writer of Mathew went to such great lengths to make it as though jesus fulfilled so many prophecies. He got so carried away that many of them weren’t prophecies at all.
Cart Witnesses vs Faith Healing Church
by pale.emperor intoday in liverpool the cart witnesses were in their usual speck in bold street holding out their wafer thin rags and books that they literally can't even give away.
but today the city centre was flooded with some sort of black church handing out their leaflets and little invitations to a "special event" this sunday.
i took a leaflet off them as they handed it to me and they were very smiley and cheerful.
Yeah these new JWs are useless. Like you I would allow myself to get into a debates believing my truth was the real truth. These new JWs have one message listen to us and our ideas don’t talk back or question , if you do we will run away. Lol.
I just live their new life saving work. “ go to JW.borg” “now run brothers!”