Great for you , now go live a wonderful life!!! If these people we’re truly gods people they would love you anyway and show love to you. Their actions prove their not gods people!
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
I've Disassociated. It's getting announced tomorrow.
by Heathen Dan inthis is my first post to this site, im pale.emperor's brother:).
first of all, i've left being a jw in june.
since then my family have tried to convince me it's "the truth" and force me to go back even though it's my own decision.
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
Truthlover, are you talking paleo Hebrew or a later version?
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
Ruby456 I to believe the she and wisdom talked about in proverbs is about Ashurah.
"Wondrous expansion is now taking place!"
by stuckinarut2 inso we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
Nice the wonderful expansion really means that everything around the JW world is expanding as their world is getting smaller.
Why were the Israelites so deplorable?
by eyeuse2badub inwhat made the israelites so deplorable?.
i started thinking about how the bible describes ‘god’s people’, the israelites.
most of the time god was very pissed off at them.
I think these stories were written by someone other then the Jews or Hebrews. Maybe the simaritians or Greeks or some other group that didn’t like the Jews and their gods. I have read that the Greeks were known for writing a history of their family group to try and make themselves seem greater or more special as a family then they really were.
It seems to me that someone that had access to several writings took aspects of these writings whether from Egypt or Mesopotamia or Greece and took parts of these stories to make a new Israelite story. One could ask why did one of the Greek kings Philadelphious take 72 scholars in Alexandria and have them write the Greek Septuagint bible if that’s really what happened? why would a Greek care about Jewish writings and religious ideas if they were in fact their ideas.
The whole thing is very suspect and some say the story was all made up. I think the whole story of the Israelites/Jews in the Bible was made up taking real events and mashing them up with mythology and some real events to make it appear as if it was real. Maybe Philadelphious was trying to make up a new race of people for himself neither Greek or Egyptian.
Anyway all we know for certain is there’s writtings in the Bible that were taken from other places as well as stories. Amenope’s wisdom sayings in the book of proverbs and the story of the flood as copied from Mesopotamia, just two examples.
The Israelite stories we pretty much know are not really but just made up propaganda are that of the exodus , David and Solomon, Hezzekias Kingdom being saved by an angel, all the stories about the patriarchs in Genesis etc.
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
So let me ask you this Doug what is the reason for the writings about Moses and the exodus story in your opinion? Introducing this new god or some other reason?
Sister may have had a slight heart attack, do I text her?
by Xanthippe inso my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
No. These people act like you don’t exist when you leave their cult so why act like they do!
It saddens me to know that marriages break up because of religion and the blame, whose fault it is ?
by smiddy3 ina jehovah`s witness couple who have been married for many years and some with children of various ages and have been serving in their congregation meeting attendance, fs and bible studies with their children for many years .. and then one of them begins to have doubts about what they are being taught and what they actually are supposed to believe now that some changes have been made with nu-lite.. the doubts grow and then the the use of the internet to investigate further some of the claims of the gb/wt religion .. with the wealth of information available on the www it now becomes impossible to continue to be an active member of the jehovah`s witness religion without being an utter hypocrite .
you no longer believe them anymore that they alone are gods chosen people in this day.. however your spouse does not see things the way you do not at all and after many months of arguments bickering threats the ultimatum is something like if you don`t believe what i believe that you have left jehovah we can`t live together anymore ,i want a divorce unless you come to your senses.. who is the one here breaking up the marriage ?.
isn`t it in the majority of cases the jw who ends the marriage ?
It’s the JWs that break most marriages because the non believer has left Jehovah is now an apostates etc.. I have a friend that his wife left him because she felt he wasn’t being enough of a spiritual lead. It was allowed by her elders and then he was dfd for some ticky tack reason. During this time they divorced and nothing ever happened in any major way to his wife even though she broke many rules in leaving him and divorcing.
When a person leaves again he has left Jehovah so it pretty much ok for the believer to do what they want and often because of this the marriage ends. I don’t know of many where the marriage has lasted.
What do I do ?
by jdash inhey guys, this is my first time posting on here but lets get started.. so i'm a 17 year old boy who currently attends meetings at a congregation in indianapolis.
i live with my grandparents, on my father's side, because my mother died in 2010. i been attending meetings since i was 10. my mother got into the religion but then got disfellowshiped.
my dad is on and off, he currently just got reinstated.
If I were you I would plan your life and get an education then a job then move away. Fake it for now and then just fade away. Most JWs that leave do this and can have a somewhat of normal life especially if your away from JW family. Until your established enough to be on your own and don’t need their help just go through the motions and keep quiet.
When older and no longer need them you can be a little vocal if asked why you no longer attend. Just be careful what you say and how you say it.
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
Here’s my overall view of the Old Testament Doug and that is that it’s all a myth. I don’t know if there is much real history in the Moses story. Yes the writers uses some real people places and even events but the over all story is fiction. So with that said what’s the reason behind the story? Was it to try and create an identity for a people, something the Greeks were known for, or something else.
You mention Israel but that’s another big question . Israel if it ever existed was wiped off the planet way back in early Assyrian times so why is it even talked about in these writings? There is also very little evidence outside the Bible of a people or place called Israel. Now the god of Israel, if you take the Bible out of the mix it looks as though the people living in the areas known as the Levant , in the north worshipped El then Baal as well as other gods in that pantheon. Then to the south the area we now call Judah there evidence they may have been worshipping the same gods but also Egyptian ones as well. Hezzekia bulla is one example suggesting this.
One last point to mention is this whole area was mostly under the control of Egypt until about 600s BC when then the Assyrians followed by Babylonians then Persians and Greeks dominated their area. Each group would have influenced the population on what gods to worship.
P.S. let’s not forget the original name for the city of Jerusalem was named after a Canaanite god for the (morning or evening light ) {can’t remember which} but why doesn’t the god or it’s followers of The Levant if from Southern Mesopotamia or Egypt or any other area and pantheon out side that of the Canaanites demand the city’s name to be changed?