John Aquila Brown wrote a book called the EvenTide back in the early 1800’s , this is where Miller , Boubour and other got these ideas of a second later fulfillment of Daniel. In his book he wrote that the gentile times would end in 1917.
Like Rattigan350 said the whole idea would rest on David’s offspring being on the throne and through his offspring would come the messiah.
It’s also confirmed that the writings of Daniel came much later about the 2 century BC . It’s also been argued very well that these so called prophecies or writings were about the Ptolemy’s.
Whether one want to believe this stuff or not the one question or point that people fail to realize it the Davidic line was broken a davidic King did not sit on the throne all the way until the messiah showed up. Just another failed prophecies in a book of failed prophecies.