El was clearly the top god of the Canaanites and is most likely the god introduced to Abraham by Melkizadek or who ever that guy is in the Bible story. The writings of that deity found at Ugarit show so many similarities. Later writings about the god Yhw show similarities as well as having the same consorts as El and later the god Baal Hadad. Other scriptures in the Bible show Baal taking over for El and absorbing his atributes.
Yes it can be said that there is a time that the Jews were told not to worship Baal but is this just propaganda introduced later or another Baal altogether since there was many local Baals in the area. Could it be Ywh was just another Baal that rose to the level of EL and Hadad and then became Yahweh? One other thing to consider the words lord and Adonia both mean Baal.
So could it be possible that the Jews were infact worshipping EL then Baal as well as other gods such as Ashurah, In the Canaanite pantheon all along until a later time when they were forced to worship another deity? I for one think so.