Do your own research that’s what I did. In Luke jesus talks about hell. And there are plenty of scriptures that state there is a trinity. No I’m not saying this is accurate and the JWs got it wrong but when you do some research one can see how Christians believe these two doctrines. What I have found is an evolution in the Bible. What Christians believed in let’s say 150 or 200 AD was different then what they were taught let’s say after 325 AD. The Bible reflects this in its writings that were not necessarily in stone during these times and many changes were made over the centuries.
Anyway welcome to this forum and I would suggest you go back to threads started about ten years ago. JWs posting back then were really more into and knowledgeable about the Bible.
As for your next comments about JW rules your so correct these are man made rules not found in the Bible. Ask yourself would Jesus tell people to do and act the way JWs are told to by their leaders? Again welcome!