Start preaching the love ideas that are written about concerning jesus as thier main focus.
Make dfding only for gross offenses like pedophiles.
Make the blood doctrine a conscience matter.
Drop the titles and the ministry and time keeping stating that informal is the best method now.
Use the Bible to say that celebrating holidays is a conscience matter which it does anyway.
Focus on association more and maybe have only one meeting per week.
Actualy do some real charity work.
stop talking about end times and focus on being judged by good deeds and faith in Christ.
In general become more like a traditional Christian Church that’s more about fellowship then dogma.
In this way you’ll be able to hold on to the young and maybe even win back those on the edges as well as stop loosing so many.
But they won’t do this infact their doing the exact opposite becoming more and more culty and will loose more because of this and getting new ones is now almost impossible.