Yes Lett.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Did a current or ex-JW help you to awaken?
by TweetieBird inwas there something that was said to you that got the wheel turning in your brain, that caused you to start waking up to ttatt, either by a jw or ex-jw that you didn't know was awake?
i'm trying to think of things i can say or ask of my current family members still in that may help them to start seeing the real truth about the organization.
they think we're still in..
Another thought about WT 607 bull.
by Crazyguy inthe babylonian empire didn't start until assyria was finally defeated in 612 bc.
then as we know babylon supposedly destroyed jerusalem in 607 according to wt.
before jerusalem was destroyed babylon had taken jerusalem and taken prisoners including the king and deported them to babylon and then according to ezekiel at 33:21 twelve years into their captivity a man from jerusalem came and told him the city had been destroyed.. ok so how does jerusalem get conquered 12 years before 607 when the babylonians hadn't even become the major power yet??
The Babylonian empire didn't start until Assyria was finally defeated in 612 BC. Then as we know Babylon supposedly destroyed Jerusalem in 607 according to WT. Before Jerusalem was destroyed Babylon had taken Jerusalem and taken prisoners including the king and deported them to Babylon and then according to Ezekiel at 33:21 twelve years into their captivity a man from Jerusalem came and told him the city had been destroyed.
Ok so how does Jerusalem get conquered 12 years before 607 when the Babylonians hadn't even become the major power yet??
According to cuneiform texts and the chronicles of Nebuchadnezzar Jerusalem was originally sacked by Babylon in 598. 598-12 years the Jews were in captivity when the man said the city had been destroyed equals 586. Doesn't a lot of historians believe this to be the date of Jerusalems destruction?
Gerrit Losch Claims JW's Attending College Are Spiritually Weak
by pale.emperor in
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
Isn't one of the GB a college graduate and the head of the writing department? Not to mention something like 30 nurses, doctors and lawyers that all work there.
My Reverse-Shunning Letter To My Mother
by pale.emperor ini mailed the below letter to my mother a few weeks ago.
i did share it on the ex-jw facebook group but thought i'd post it here.. basically, she's shunned me since day 1, has little or nothing to do with my 3yo daughter and told my sister "i hope <my daughter> becomes a jw when she's older so i can welcome her into the family".
well, that was the last straw for me..
She won't read it, also the cult has away of making people just shut off. It's so easy for JWs to shun relatives it's almost automatic. So sad that no ones thinks for themselves in that cult.
The Biblical reasoning behind a judicial comitee?
by CitizenofEarth ini was wondering today what i would say if i ever were to be called to a judicial trial in the congregation, and my conclusion was that i didn't really have any biblical defense against it.
so i was wondering what you guys would recommend.
it seems far fetched to me that the bible condones a 1 vs 3 biased trial (where you already have been judged beforehand), instead of one where you have a unbiased judge, a defense and a prosecutor/accuser.
One of the key points I got from the Bible was the elders of the group would deal with someone at the city gate. This would mean it was a public event . You obviously don't see that with the JWs even when two elders came to my house on a couple of occasions the wife got the kids and herself out of the area. It's just one big scam so it's your word against theirs and any chance of one using the Bible to prove their points wrong to the public isn't going to happen.
Documentary Hypothesis and Hellenism
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inas many already know i have spent the last five years trying to solve the mystery of my username.
there are 4 basic schools (j e d p refer to source texts of the torah and the book up to 2 kings).
traditionalists: read the table of book of the bible of the nwt.... bible maximalists: believe is the documentary hypothesis believing the earliest versions j came with solomon later e with abijah and d with josiah and p with ezekiel.
The Greeks were known for writing stories about their family to make their family seam more important then they really were. Could it be the Jews started doing much the same after the Greeks took over? This would explain how several of the biblical stories seam Greek. Some of the other stories were just retellings of older Syrian, Assyrian, Egyptian and Babylonian stories that could have been changed at anytime like the story of Job a retelling of the poem of the righteous sufferer.
I think the Old Testament is much like the New Testament, Jesus was a retelling of a rising and dying savior but not a true copy cat story. In fact the story takes elements of several different stories and changes are made over the first 300 plus years to finally get what we have today. The Bible itself went over an evolution of changes to finally get what we have today .
I think it's going to be impossible for anyone to really get the bottom of how it all came to be.
Loyalty - Part of the New Personality (S-341a-18-E 5/17)
by wifibandit inloyalty—part of the new personality (s-341a-18-e 5/17).
note to the circuit overseer:.
use this outline for the tuesday service talk from september 2017 through february 2018. you will need to prepare your own 30-minute service talk for use after the watchtower study.
Can anyone say North Korea?
Comparing Total Numbers Baptized During the 1990s and the Last Ten Years:
by steve2 insometimes, comparing raw numbers provides a more clear-cut numerical picture of growth or otherwise than percentages.
below are the numbers for peak publishers (rounded off so that 4,1 represents more than 4,100,000) for each year throughout the 1990s and those for the last ten years.. year: peak* baptisms.
* peak publishers abbreviated - simply to show annual baptisms in relation to peak publishers.. the main point: .
I don't understand Theoldhippie, it's my understanding if in the year 1980 they have 100,000 publishers and then in 1981 30,000 decided to get baptized then they would state in the next years book they have 130,000 publishers, am I wrong on this?
Comparing Total Numbers Baptized During the 1990s and the Last Ten Years:
by steve2 insometimes, comparing raw numbers provides a more clear-cut numerical picture of growth or otherwise than percentages.
below are the numbers for peak publishers (rounded off so that 4,1 represents more than 4,100,000) for each year throughout the 1990s and those for the last ten years.. year: peak* baptisms.
* peak publishers abbreviated - simply to show annual baptisms in relation to peak publishers.. the main point: .
Here's the reality of it, we know with experience that something like 70-90% of the young one leave. That was the case in the USA and probably Europe and Canada, so how can they make up for these numbers with new ones from the field?? No way not going to happen, yes great growth in Latin and maybe some African countries but really I don't believe they make up for the loss. Think about it for a minute, their numbers are showing new ones baptized and then an adjustment for ones that are no longer thier something in the tune of about 50%, according to JW facts. So for every two that get baptized one leaves dies or is DFD. But in reality for everyone that gets baptized their already counted as publishers so when they get baptized their counted twice.
Ok so I'll give them some growth because of the growth in Latin America and maybe in those lands less young ones leave but can that really not only make up for the losses in other countries and show growth? Not the kind of growth they claim. And this is why I believe one minute they were talking about all these building projects then the next their talking sell offs. They other thing that is odd is after the 1975 debacle and the 1995 change to overlapping generations you see a dip in numbers for a couple of years then it's all back to normal for the most part. I don't buy it!
I think they used the perception of growth to push the organization forward, get 60 new publishers and then build or make a new congregation or a few people get together and bam you make a new foreign language congregation. I think my point can be confirmed by the sell off of the halls. I don't think that many are leaving to do child abuse or any other reason yes more then before but not by a huge margin. Their selling the halls because they were never that full to begin with.
Comparing Total Numbers Baptized During the 1990s and the Last Ten Years:
by steve2 insometimes, comparing raw numbers provides a more clear-cut numerical picture of growth or otherwise than percentages.
below are the numbers for peak publishers (rounded off so that 4,1 represents more than 4,100,000) for each year throughout the 1990s and those for the last ten years.. year: peak* baptisms.
* peak publishers abbreviated - simply to show annual baptisms in relation to peak publishers.. the main point: .
I don't believe these numbers for one minute. They show continued growth and pretty consistent, problem is these are baptisms of people already publishers and what about all the ones that leave or die each year. I'm mean just think about all the children in the halls counted as publishers then leaving the cult when they later can, that percentage is huge, but it never shows up in the numbers!
I believe the numbers have been monipulated since 1977 or about that time not to continue to show how many left after the 1975 debacle. They started lying back then and never stopped.