Zero, none, absolutely no evidence. The christs quotes that many Christians use are of people after Jesus supposed time on this planet. These Christ quotes could be used in conjunction with other gods like Serapis or Helios. Josephus quote in one area is a forgery and in other parts of his writings he's clearly talking about a different guy. Reasons why they know it's a forgery is one they way it's written and two he clearly would have never referred to Jesus as the messiah because as a lackey of the emperor he said he was the messiah.
Now with that being said there is some evidence that maybe there was a guy that was a rebel leader of the Jews that parts of the Jesus story was modeled after. There's some really interesting information about the shroud of Turin and the ruling family of a small kingdom in eastern Turkey. There's also some compelling evidence that Paul was also modeled after some previous real characters like Saul of Tarsus.
One last point if you want to understand Christianity explore ancient Egyptian religion and the Osiris cult. Many of the things one finds familiar in Christianity like baptism, anointing, Holy Spirit, paradise, heaven , resurrection, eternal life, etc all come from this much older religion. Now before you dismiss this idea because you've seen or read rebuttals about Horus being Jesus don't. Because Jesus wasn't Horus at least not a perfect composite. Jesus was more modeled after Osiris.