I was at a RC back a few years ago . The economy was crap I was 3000 miles away from my family. When I left to go get work this far away my youngest girl was crying and hysterical begging me not to leave so this was and emotional time. Here I was 3000 miles away from my wife and kids trying to get a business started and running in this new area.
I really needed a pick me up to say the least. I went to this new place with a more spiritual attitude, that I would put Jah first and leave my financial struggles in his hands. So I made every meeting , answered and went out in service some times both Saturday and Sunday. I was showing Jah that he would be first ! All the while I seen and talked to others in the hall that were going through financial issues as well , people that were more spiritual that I. This was depressing to say the least, so any good positive talks at the RC was and would be greatly appreciated. Instead it was the same crap as always and I was even thinking this to myself becoming more discouraged.
Then the last talk was given by Lett. During his talk he expressed how when he was at bethel in the early 197Os he didn't believe the end was going to come at 1975. And that he was even razzed by others their as an apostate for his thinking because every one their clearly believed the end to be in 75.
I did the double take , thinking WTF, we had always been told that they never really taught this and this was from Rogue elders and COs that is wasn't really from the top down.