It was brought out on YouTube that 70 % of all growth was from only 7 counties and these were mostly third world countries. I think their getting to the point of not even caring for the flock anymore, just extract what they can and invest what they have in some kind of investments they think will be successful. Even the days of new Kingdom Halls are over unless their forced to build one somewhere. Their definitely in decline and that's awesome news!
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
March 22, 2017 TO ALL CONVENTION COMMITTEES Re: Discontinuation of Physical Distribution of Convention Releases
by wifibandit inmarch 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
Blood Transfusions/Blood Salvage
by NJ501 inhi all,i've been doing some research on blood transfusions and fractions.
i found out a patient can donate their own blood, so it can be used for elective surgery...i was wondering if theirs really any difference between a blood transfusion of your own blood and the blood salvage procedure.
i think quite similar since its just a re-transfusion of your own blood.. what are your thoughts?
I thought I read somewhere that you could store your blood if it was for no longer then 24 hrs
I need some help
by Akid48 inwell let me start with my age is 13 and i have been thinking about this jw thing and i need help i just dont know if i want to be one any more.. the help i need is some one to send me some links to places i can research i just dont know if i want to study with a jw any more..
Stop studying with JWs asap. Tell them whatever it takes to get them to stop. Then start research the Bible, is it really gods word? When I was your age born in JW I asked and elder why we believe the Bible is gods word what proof. He said that the Bible had no contradictions, all the prophecies had come true except the final 3 or so and that the Bible said the earth was round before and knew it.
Well it took me years before I found out what he said was not true. There's tons of contradictions you can find these online. Some are taken out of context but the vast majority are really contradictions. 2 theres a lot of prophecies that didn't come true just read Ezekiel chapter 29 starting about verse 9 and keep reading for a couple of chapters, none of those came true. 3 the Egyptians and Greeks knew the earth was round at least 2 centuries BC, also I looked at the original translation and it was ment to mean round like a plate because at the time the Babylonians thought we lived in a world like a snow globe. Welcome and keep learning.
My mums dying she refuses blood transfusion...the horror.
by Witness 007 inmum has a mild form of lukeimia if she took blood like normal people she could live to be 100. but no, anointed sisters dont compromise jehovah wont allow it.
so here i am moving to sydney for one month going to hospital everyday putting my life on hold to watch my mother die slowly.
watching her gasp for air, struggle to breath.
I know this is a cold thought, but I think if I had a parent that was doing this I would wash my hands of the situation and just no longer come around. Why put yourself through This misery for a person that completely delusional and not willing to even think or use some common sense.
For Christians: What do you think about an Armagedon and the Afterlife
by John Davis ini don't mean for anyone to get into argument over this, i just want to hear what people believe.i hope that no one will mock or argue with someone else about their beliefs, i know that i won't in this topic.. i still believe in a christian god, not what jws believe, but believe that there has to be something after this life.
i am not sure about how armageddon would go, would it be like how evangelicals believe with a rapture or timing or anything, though i still believe in a form of armageddon.
i do think that all good people will go to heaven but i don't believe in a hell.
The Israelites god at least the one that they attribute to becoming the god of Abraham never once won a battle at Meggedo. In fact the Israelites also never won a battle at this place . The great Amen as Jesus is depicted as in Revelations did in fact win every time. Maybe it's time to rethink your views on and after life and maybe look into the Egyptian version of such a place.
2 witnesses told me the literature they were handing out were not religious
by charity7 intwo witnesses came to my door the other day and i politely told them that i was not interested.
they told me that it was ok and that what they were handing out was not anything religious.
i told them sorry and that i was still not interested.
It's not a religion it's a CULT!
They lied about methuselah tree at convention
by hoser inthere was a part about pine trees in california mountains at regional convention.
the brother/organization lied about how old they are.
he said oldest tree is 4200 years old when it is actually 5000 years old.
The newest date for the oldest pine is now 5066 but there's an even older tree system in Scandinavia
A WTF Moment While In the WTS
by Searching inhas anyone else had a moment, while still within the organization (and before learning ttatt) that caused them to stop and go, "this is kind of messed up.".
for instance, back i believe in the early 2000's, i was attending a dc with my family.
it was announced at the beginning of the convention that there was going to be a special announcement at the end, so for everyone to please try to remain until the very end of the meeting.
Wow pics of gbs on flags wtf, never heard of this!!!
A WTF Moment While In the WTS
by Searching inhas anyone else had a moment, while still within the organization (and before learning ttatt) that caused them to stop and go, "this is kind of messed up.".
for instance, back i believe in the early 2000's, i was attending a dc with my family.
it was announced at the beginning of the convention that there was going to be a special announcement at the end, so for everyone to please try to remain until the very end of the meeting.
I was at a RC back a few years ago . The economy was crap I was 3000 miles away from my family. When I left to go get work this far away my youngest girl was crying and hysterical begging me not to leave so this was and emotional time. Here I was 3000 miles away from my wife and kids trying to get a business started and running in this new area.
I really needed a pick me up to say the least. I went to this new place with a more spiritual attitude, that I would put Jah first and leave my financial struggles in his hands. So I made every meeting , answered and went out in service some times both Saturday and Sunday. I was showing Jah that he would be first ! All the while I seen and talked to others in the hall that were going through financial issues as well , people that were more spiritual that I. This was depressing to say the least, so any good positive talks at the RC was and would be greatly appreciated. Instead it was the same crap as always and I was even thinking this to myself becoming more discouraged.
Then the last talk was given by Lett. During his talk he expressed how when he was at bethel in the early 197Os he didn't believe the end was going to come at 1975. And that he was even razzed by others their as an apostate for his thinking because every one their clearly believed the end to be in 75.
I did the double take , thinking WTF, we had always been told that they never really taught this and this was from Rogue elders and COs that is wasn't really from the top down.
Verifiable proof of Jesus' existance outside the Bible
by unsure inthought i'd start a separate discussion on the subject.. those who know me know i'm struggling with faith; i want to believe, some days i do but it becomes difficult.. many believers say there is verifiable proof of jesus' existence outside of the bible.. please post this proof..
Probably the most important proof of Jesus existing or not or just a myth is at the temple of Luxor in Egypt. On the wall etched in stone is the immaculate conception virgin birth of the son of god a pharaoh, carved on this wall thousands of years before any jesus story.