This is really sad! The blood issue really helped to wake me up. My wife and I thought we may have major complications during the birth of a child. The hospital liaison rep told us all the stuff we could take as JWs. There was some much blood based products I stopped and asked the person if they were a JW? I didn’t realize at the moment that he represented the hospital not the JW HLC. He said they were a jw and I thought to myself I would do some research on the matter.
Not only finding out that blood transfusions were not unscriptural but then discovering bovine blood known as hemopure was, was appalling!
For those that don’t know Hemopure is cows hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is packed red blood cells with just the outer membrane stripped off. Stripping the outer membrane makes it so the hemoglobin doesn’t have to be typed for each type of blood such as type O or type A etc.
Not only is Hemopure cows blood but since Hemoglobin is packed red blood cells retaining over 95% if it’s original makeup , how can anyone say they are refusing blood? They can not and it’s a major hypocrisy of their doctrine.
Finding out JWs were taking this product and it even being reported in the new all the while other JWs were dying not having access to this product or no knowledge about it made my blood boil!
Needless death of thousands of JWs for just a made up doctrine. Their a bunch of sick bastards!!