Go read of other ones experiences here on this site and what they did. Many think Seve Hassan has some good advise. But many are in your situation especially with woman it’s very hard to wake a mate up. You in your postition may have better hope because you have a title in the organization and are looked at as someone that’s credible.
First thing todo is put together a strategy and go very slow, most make the mistake of not going slow and saying to much to fast scaring their family away. One brother wrote how he would kinda poke holes in the organization during family study. Showing problems with what they teach and what the Bible really says as well as showing their past writtings. Whatever you do try and keep your emotions out of the game. Emotions tend to betray us.
It may also be important to see if there’s away to assess your wife’s feelings and beliefs. Sometimes the mate is also mentally out but because your and elder she’ll just go along .