Since their insane then all they can really do is shoot them selves in the head. They will be sorely missed, NOT!
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
What can the leadership at Watchtower do to turn things around?
by UnshackleTheChains inlet's play devils advocate here.. put yourself in the governing body's shoes.
they are well aware of all the issues they are facing.
they know their numbers (they 'do the math' as they say in the us).
October 31, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: New Visitor Exhibit at Bethel (UK)
by wifibandit inoctober 31, 2017 to all congregations re: new visitor exhibit at bethel.
I just love how Jehovah with his spirit has direct this organization to build two of their most important buildings on toxic waste dumps. Maybe he wants them to suffer slowly from the toxins for all the years of lies they have published.
October 31, 2017 TO SELECTED BOEs IN THE US BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Discontinuation of the Funds-on-Deposit Arrangement
by wifibandit inoctober 31, 2017 to selected bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: discontinuation of the funds-on-deposit arrangement.
So true Tech49 so true!
A Little Direction Please
by Brian J ini'm an active elder, cobe, just got home from the meeting where i handled the treasures part and concluded by announcing a friend of mine has been d/f,.....blah blah blah...and over the last year have woken up.
i simply cannot spill my guts to my wife and children as it would be family suicide.
i have zero desire to bash, spread my feelings, or become an "apostate".
Go read of other ones experiences here on this site and what they did. Many think Seve Hassan has some good advise. But many are in your situation especially with woman it’s very hard to wake a mate up. You in your postition may have better hope because you have a title in the organization and are looked at as someone that’s credible.
First thing todo is put together a strategy and go very slow, most make the mistake of not going slow and saying to much to fast scaring their family away. One brother wrote how he would kinda poke holes in the organization during family study. Showing problems with what they teach and what the Bible really says as well as showing their past writtings. Whatever you do try and keep your emotions out of the game. Emotions tend to betray us.
It may also be important to see if there’s away to assess your wife’s feelings and beliefs. Sometimes the mate is also mentally out but because your and elder she’ll just go along .
Grieving Parents Denounce JW Faith (Blood)
by darkspilver insad situation for the parents.child death blamed on religious beliefs.
zimbabwe, the sunday mail, sunday, october 29, 2017. a jehovah’s witness lost her baby during childbirth because she and her husband followed church teachings and turned down blood transfusions that could have averted the tragedy.. getrude seneri (28) said she experienced labour complications on september 20, 2017 and doctors said blood transfusions were necessary to save both her and her child.. the couple stuck with their religious beliefs resulting in the child dying and her husband, misheck bande, stepped in to authorise transfusions for her when he was told that his wife’s life was also on the brink.. now, the couple have denounced the church for its teachings on blood transfusions.. opening up to the sunday mail society last week, seneri and bande spoke of how they were initially willing to risk their lives for their religious beliefs – but had changed their minds after the loss of their child.. jehovah’s witnesses are not alone when it comes to rejecting blood transfusions.. prince marezva, an elder of the johane masowe apostolic sect said they were totally against blood transfusions and organ transplants.. zimbabwe national traditional healers association president george kandiero said transfusions were shunned because people feared taking in bad spirits from the donor’s lineage.. another religious group that does not condone blood transfusions is the church of christ, scientist (aka christian science).. read full article:
related discussion:
This is really sad! The blood issue really helped to wake me up. My wife and I thought we may have major complications during the birth of a child. The hospital liaison rep told us all the stuff we could take as JWs. There was some much blood based products I stopped and asked the person if they were a JW? I didn’t realize at the moment that he represented the hospital not the JW HLC. He said they were a jw and I thought to myself I would do some research on the matter.
Not only finding out that blood transfusions were not unscriptural but then discovering bovine blood known as hemopure was, was appalling!
For those that don’t know Hemopure is cows hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is packed red blood cells with just the outer membrane stripped off. Stripping the outer membrane makes it so the hemoglobin doesn’t have to be typed for each type of blood such as type O or type A etc.
Not only is Hemopure cows blood but since Hemoglobin is packed red blood cells retaining over 95% if it’s original makeup , how can anyone say they are refusing blood? They can not and it’s a major hypocrisy of their doctrine.
Finding out JWs were taking this product and it even being reported in the new all the while other JWs were dying not having access to this product or no knowledge about it made my blood boil!
Needless death of thousands of JWs for just a made up doctrine. Their a bunch of sick bastards!!
Organizational Accomplishments - Expanded Video Production Facilities at Patterson
by wifibandit in
Why Paterson and not Warwick?
Irish Elders deleted by Watchtower for reporting child sex abuse allegation to police
by Diogenesister intwo elders have been deleted by watchtower for reporting an allegation of child sexual abuse to the police, contrary to watchtower orders (a jw paedophile with a history, apparently).
when the british branch discovered what the elders had done they arranged for 3 elders to fly over to ireland, at the congregations expense no less, to hold a special jc for the ' rogue' congregation elders.
one elder and the cobe were deleted, two were allowed to continue.
Unfortunately there’s no proof that these elders were deleted because of reporting the child abuse. So unless one of these elders or both go to the press and have interviews it won’t do any good. Even then most JWs won’t believe it. I’m not trying to be a pessimist but these elders need to come out and say something publicly and try to maybe help more to leave this cult.
Hellaby UK circuit A$$emb£y this Sunday
by punkofnice inmy spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
Dozy, you may not realize that the pioneers are allowed to go to an assembly hall and volunteer there and count their hours. So that means that there would be no work for a bunch of JW volunteers showing up just to help out. Every week usually on mondays the place is swarming with pioneers counting their hours.
252 Congregations have closed in Germany since 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is a video from down with the tower.
it's excellent.
Getting off subject but those numbers from Japan just look off to me 10 years from about 2001 on where their growth or decline is not moving much at all. Just looks like the numbers are being manipulated.
Hellaby UK circuit A$$emb£y this Sunday
by punkofnice inmy spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
Believe me they had to redo a lot of stuff at Warwick .