In the latest broadcast the evil cult leader mention scriptures in the book of Deuteronomy saying it takes two witnesses to convict someone. Then they go on and mention Jesus steamily stating the same thing in Mathew chapter 18. But the scriptures they fail to mention are verses 18-20 . The jist of this part of the chapter is if a brother has an issue with another brother go talk to him about your complaint. If the brother doesn’t agree then take others to try to get this guy to see your way or understand your complaint. If he still doesn’t agree then take it to the congregation. If he still can’t see your point of view then let him be just as a tax collector.
But wait in the next verses it says if it can be loosened on earth is can be loosened in heaven , then it goes on to say if two can agree then the lord will do what they ask continuing where there are two or more the lord is with them.
I read several different bibles to get the sense of it, and it’s my understanding that what it’s saying here is , if a man has wronged you go to him with your complaint if he disagrees with you and know one agrees with him out of the whole congregation then he obviously has a problem and should be treated as an outcast. But if just one person agrees with him by seeing his point of view then the lord is also with them. This is why it says whatever is loosened on earth will be so in heaven.
This would mean if more then two people in the congregation believes that only one childs accusations about someone abusing them is enough to call the police or whatever then their opinion needs to be taken seriously as well because the lord supports their opinion.
This not only blows up their doctrine about child abuse needing two witnesses but any other doctrine more then two people in the congregation can agree to disagree with Watchtower on. The Bible say the lord is every bit with these two as with the others.