You should of told her that she’s more then welcome to come over to your place and you’ll feed her and take her in especially after her three days of food run out.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Fasten Your Seatbelts - The Crazy Has Started (Also, bring the Koolaid)
by berrygerry infrom facebook:just saw my jw mother after not seeing her for more than 2 years.
when i do see her, it is brief, she never asks about my life, doesn't ask about my 4 children her grandchildren, doesn't ask about my grandchildren...her great grandchildren, she doesn't ask about my other 2 brothers that she is also alienated from, she doesn't ask about my brothers family.
she doesn't talk about the jw/org either.
Another reason Watchtower may be hurting financially
by shepherdless ini don't think anyone else has raised this point.
below i set out the case that the jw demographic in usa has a steadily decreasing combined income, and as a consequence, has less money to donate.
not only is the flock not growing, the flock is producing less wool for the borg to fleece.
Their cult position on child abuse reminds me of the white slave owner in the Southern US about 200 hundred years ago. They argued that the Bible said slavery was ok and that the Africans were also cursed, according to their understanding of the book of Genesis. The rest of the world became more moral then the Bible and slavery was out lawed in one place after another.
The cult will hold to their postition on child abuse and because of this will hopefully be sued out of existence going the way of the Southern US slave owners.
Huge scriptures destroying their two witness doctrine and possibly all others!
by Crazyguy inin the latest broadcast the evil cult leader mention scriptures in the book of deuteronomy saying it takes two witnesses to convict someone.
then they go on and mention jesus steamily stating the same thing in mathew chapter 18. but the scriptures they fail to mention are verses 18-20 .
the jist of this part of the chapter is if a brother has an issue with another brother go talk to him about your complaint.
Yes Nic I realize this is a book of mythology but others do not agree. Showing scriptures in the Bible that destroy their doctrine is huge because it allows bible believers to see and read for themselves how this cult twists scripture to suit their doctrine.
Huge scriptures destroying their two witness doctrine and possibly all others!
by Crazyguy inin the latest broadcast the evil cult leader mention scriptures in the book of deuteronomy saying it takes two witnesses to convict someone.
then they go on and mention jesus steamily stating the same thing in mathew chapter 18. but the scriptures they fail to mention are verses 18-20 .
the jist of this part of the chapter is if a brother has an issue with another brother go talk to him about your complaint.
In the latest broadcast the evil cult leader mention scriptures in the book of Deuteronomy saying it takes two witnesses to convict someone. Then they go on and mention Jesus steamily stating the same thing in Mathew chapter 18. But the scriptures they fail to mention are verses 18-20 . The jist of this part of the chapter is if a brother has an issue with another brother go talk to him about your complaint. If the brother doesn’t agree then take others to try to get this guy to see your way or understand your complaint. If he still doesn’t agree then take it to the congregation. If he still can’t see your point of view then let him be just as a tax collector.
But wait in the next verses it says if it can be loosened on earth is can be loosened in heaven , then it goes on to say if two can agree then the lord will do what they ask continuing where there are two or more the lord is with them.
I read several different bibles to get the sense of it, and it’s my understanding that what it’s saying here is , if a man has wronged you go to him with your complaint if he disagrees with you and know one agrees with him out of the whole congregation then he obviously has a problem and should be treated as an outcast. But if just one person agrees with him by seeing his point of view then the lord is also with them. This is why it says whatever is loosened on earth will be so in heaven.
This would mean if more then two people in the congregation believes that only one childs accusations about someone abusing them is enough to call the police or whatever then their opinion needs to be taken seriously as well because the lord supports their opinion.
This not only blows up their doctrine about child abuse needing two witnesses but any other doctrine more then two people in the congregation can agree to disagree with Watchtower on. The Bible say the lord is every bit with these two as with the others.
Another reason Watchtower may be hurting financially
by shepherdless ini don't think anyone else has raised this point.
below i set out the case that the jw demographic in usa has a steadily decreasing combined income, and as a consequence, has less money to donate.
not only is the flock not growing, the flock is producing less wool for the borg to fleece.
This is so true and as this crazy cult goes on it seems to me that there’s a lot of apathy. For most of my time in I never donated , my wife who was and still is PIMI way more then I ever was never really donated or asked me if I did. A friend which is now out but was in for 50 years and was a MS for a time said he doesn’t think he donated more then 100 bucks the whole time he was in.
People are broke struggling and a lot of them are just plain apathetic when it comes to the cult. They go because they have to but once there they don’t really engage at the meeting and especially when not there.
Its also good to see how many halls are really half full or less. I think the begging for money that the cult does way more often then ever before is their attempt to get as much as they can while they can.
Biblical incidents that bothered me.
by EverApostate ini wanted to discuss the (supposed) biblical events that disturbed me a lot when i was a jw.
these incidents were just read and discussed in the kingdom hall as if these are normal and justified, which clearly weren't.
perhaps this led to my awakening.
Another one a lot of people forget is where David sins again and this time David’s first born baby is killed, but not just killed it suffered for 7 days and nights before finally being killed.
Watchtower Loses an Appeal
by TerryWalstrom inpublication court of appeal, fourth appellate district division one state of california osbaldo padron, plaintiff and respondent, v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc., defendant and appellant.findingwatchtower has abused the discovery process.
it has zealously advocated its position and lost multiple times.
yet, it cavalierly refuses to acknowledge the consequences of these losses and the validity of the court's orders requiring it to produce documents in response to request number 12. and, in a further act of defiance, watchtower informed the court that it would not comply with the march 25, 2016 order 39 requiring it to produce documents responsive to request number 12. the court, following lopez, supra, 246 566, as an incremental step toward terminating sanctions if watchtower persists in its unjustified conduct, imposed monetary sanctions.
I’m really surprised after all that the cult has done in court that the court didn’t raise the amount per day as well in today’s ruling. Meaning from today forward they must pay $8000 per day if they don’t comply.
Side effect of Downsizing......$$$
by Tech49 inso here is a tidbit you will all just love!.
we all are hearing of the trend right now to ¨downsize¨ the eliminate by combining, in order to blah blah blah... .
here is what you didnt know: every time a congregation is dissolved, for whatever reason, including merging or dispersing, wt makes money!
The good news is as the amount congregations get smaller and they downsize the Kingdom Halls by selling off ones that are no longer needed their foot print is less and less, meaning they’ll make less money in the future.
True or False did the Watchtower Corporation create false doctrines intentionally to enhance the proliferation of their own publications ?
by Finkelstein inmuch as been revealed over the years to the date setting doctrines made by the wts.
such as ( 1874, 1914, 1925 , 1975 this generation, the last days, the end times etc.... which were not created by other christian based faiths.. as to critically examine why might reveal a hidden agenda to all these date setting proclamations.. the point in question is did the wts and its leaders intentionally manipulate or exploit the preaching of the gospel to enhance the proliferation of their own printed publications ?.
i would say convincingly yes, no question.
Vienne, your totally wrong on this . I have his first publishing of his book The Time at Hand 1889 the gentile time were to end in 1914 with Armageddon soon to take place that autumn. The gentile time ending ment jesus would bring his reign on earth. He wrote that Jesus had already taken is kingship and had come invisibly in 1874 and 1878. He then wrote is his next book I also have the first published year of this book and he confirmed with the pyramid that his dates were correct and set in stone.
When did "The Last Days" of JW Organization Begin? Will This Generation See It End?
by steve2 ina growing discourse on this forum has been around what "the end" means.
as jws, many here spent varying proportions of our lives waiting for the end when an unsettling realization was that the end that approaches is more likely to be from old age than the world's end.
through the centuries, group after group, has claimed it has "inside" information on the end of the world, drawing in the desperate-for-comfort like moths to flames.
Yeah again 1995 , the year book showed a great exodus after of about 250k or more per year . I think the Y2K scare and the year 2000 scared some into staying. I think the economy crash of 2008-2009 and all the problems JWs had showed many more that the big J is no where to be found when you need help.
The last couple of times I went to the hall I noticed so many WT not studied I was surprised. Now with Kevin and others filming the inside of KHs during meetings and seeing how few are going it’s good news that this cult may end before I’m dead.