You may think that but do you like being lied to? Do you like an organization that has policies in place that help to destroy the lives of young one that have been sexually abused? And what about policies like those of blood transfusions that tell people not to have blood but then turn around and say you can have cow blood. You can sugar coated all you want and say it’s really no big deal if people want to quit just go away and stop complaining but what about those of us that have family that are victims of this cult?
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Hi, all...I'm a faithful JW who is sick of lies about us
by James Donalds ini was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
by Kas12 ini am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
Do yourself a favor and do the research yourself. Study the Bible and how it was put together etc. Then study evolution even other religions if you wish. Knowledge is power and you’ll have the power. By the way I was told for 40 years that celebrating Christmas and birthdays was bad, but the Bible says at Romans chapter 14 and Colossians that it’s a conscience matter. Also in the book of Job his kids celebrated their special day.
Matthew 24:34 not fulfilled in the first century
by Jules Saturn ini was discussing with an elder the generation teaching and telling him when jesus christ says in matthew 24:34 “truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” he was referring to the generation from the first century in 33 ad and these events that were to take place took place with the destruction of jerusalem in 70 ad.
now the elder tells me to go back to a few verses to from verses 29-33 which read: .
“immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,+ and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 30 then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief,+ and they will see the son of man+ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Going along with Peacfulpete, if you read about the arguments concerning Jesus at Nicea 325 you’ll find they could of answered some of these issues by just reading the gospel of John and possibly some of the other New Testament writtings. This leads me to believe that the gospel of john and other New Testament writtings were not written until after this meeting.
Many scholars believe that a good portion of the New Testament was written by Eusebius.
Are the "angels of God", and "sons of Israel" the same thing?
by I_love_Jeff injust recently i posted a question on yahoo answers and asked a simple question to the jehovah's witnesses about the "sons of israel" and "sons of god".here is the question: .
are the "angels of god", and "sons of israel" the same thing?
if you apply the same translation (angels of god) in deuteronomy 32:43 to deuteronomy 32:8 we have this: when the most high divided the nations, when he separated the sons of adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of god.
Yes the word Elohim means gods so in the context of many of the scriptures it would be the sons of the god El. Angels was a concept introduced by the Greeks.
Will Artificial Intellegence Make The Human Race Extinct?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think it is inevitable.
i don't worry about it but it just seems that the human race is going down a road that they can't make a turn off.. they are probing/discovering how the human mind works and produces intelligence down to the individual molecule.
now with the invention of the super quantum computer soon we will be able to build even better artificial intelligence greater than our own, so it will be easily able to out smart us because will we be a bunch of dumb apes first discovering how to make fire in it's eyes.. it will have it's own different agendas than us humans.
Billions die because fruit was eaten. Please think about this.
by pleaseresearch incounties once at war with one another can forgive and move on.
even horrible murderers who killed the family members of someone can be forgiven for the act that they did.. but god, no no no.
no such thing can happen.
I was just thinking about this yesterday. The creator of the universe is a being that can make planets, suns, galaxies yet he’s so childish that when a girl eats a fruit she’s not supposed to the human race suffers death illness and attacks from viruses and bacteria he created because he’s a little asshole. Really?
What Made You Decide To Finally Leave The Organization?
by minimus inwas there one certain event or was it more a cumulative thing?.
Finding out they stole jesus as my mediator really pissed me off, but finding out they except cows blood as a fraction for a blood transfusion was it! Hemoglobin is just packed red blood cells with the outer membrane stripped off so the blood doesn’t need to be typed. Hemopure is bovine hemoglobin.
So you can’t have a blood transfusion even if it means death, but if you can get some cows blood called Hemopure then it’s all good! I don’t believe in demons but if I did I would believe that demons were all over the place inside Bethel!
Prophecy in Daniel: A last Fierce-looking King
by Kosonen inthere is an unfulfilled prophecy in daniel about the last king that will be broken without human hand.
the prophecy says he will be fierce-looking, deceptive, efficent in his doings, smart and causing ruin to many.
and he will exalt himself.
I would suggest that you get help. For one the book of Daniel was written much later and after the so called events recorded in the book. The gospels were also written after the fact much later. The book of Revelations the writers pulled from the book of Enoch as well as some of the minor prophets . He also smoked a bowl and ate some shrooms !
Matthew 24:34 not fulfilled in the first century
by Jules Saturn ini was discussing with an elder the generation teaching and telling him when jesus christ says in matthew 24:34 “truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” he was referring to the generation from the first century in 33 ad and these events that were to take place took place with the destruction of jerusalem in 70 ad.
now the elder tells me to go back to a few verses to from verses 29-33 which read: .
“immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,+ and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 30 then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief,+ and they will see the son of man+ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
I would just like to say that I firmly believe that the writings of the gospels were written after 70 Ad and many of the details to what was said an done came out of Joshepus writtings. He mentions several Jesus’s and what they said and did and was done to them. If you take all the jesus and add together their stories they could easily make up the story of the Son of God jesus. Same can be said to some of the events Josephus wrote about during the war and destruction of Jerusalem.
There’s obvoius throw backs to Writtings found in the Old Testament and the writer of Mathew was doing his darndest to make Jesus fulfill prophecies so much so he had him doing things that weren’t prophecies at all.
Matthew 24:34 not fulfilled in the first century
by Jules Saturn ini was discussing with an elder the generation teaching and telling him when jesus christ says in matthew 24:34 “truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” he was referring to the generation from the first century in 33 ad and these events that were to take place took place with the destruction of jerusalem in 70 ad.
now the elder tells me to go back to a few verses to from verses 29-33 which read: .
“immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,+ and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 30 then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief,+ and they will see the son of man+ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Peters sermon at Acts chapter two goes along with Vader’s thoughts . This sermon explains in plain detail that Peter was saying it, that they were that last generation.