I don’t know how old your kids are but in my personal experience if you don’t go you become and outcast. The cult makes sure a plants seeds in your kids minds that your not a good person and have left Jehovah. I have not gone to a meeting now in about 5 years and if I had todo it over again. I would of done it one of two ways. Divorce the wife and then set up a situation that the kids with me would be told how I feel and given opportunities while under my part time custody to see and learn a real world alternative.
Option two if you don’t want to divorce is go with the kids and wife to meetings and start studying with them as soon as you can an introduce scriptures and ideas from the Bible that will in time make them realize there’s a problem. One can also study the history of the cult and show them their false teachings and prophecies again poking holes in their credibility.
It also important that they your kids are offered as many opportunities out side of the KH as possible. Public school , after school sports , music etc. Make them read and open up as much alternative learning as possible then encourage I mean demand the kids go to college.