I think these men these wonderful elders should then since their brainwashing my family should also take care of them. They should pay the mortgage the wife’s car payment and insurance all the children’s bills as well as clothe them and feed them.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Try Not To Vomit When You Read Todays Text
by pale.emperor intuesday, february 27. let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 tim.
5:17.. those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect.
this is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead.
Blood Issue.......something for thought, where is the logic.
by CovertsadJW ini have yet to read about the contradictions in the jw teachings on blood, but i have personally witnessed one.
i am a medical professional and have seen hemopure administered for an active jw who did refuse a blood transfusion.
its not fda approved here, but given in special life saving circumstances.
Your so right orphancrow, in chapter 17 of Leviticus they fail to mention the scripture where it says it’s ok to eat a dead animal found where there is no way to drain the blood. One would only be unclean until evening.
They fail to mention in Mathew chapter 12 where Jesus says we desire mercy no sacrifice.
They fail to mention in chapter 15 of Mathew where Jesus says nothing going into a man can defile him .
Who deserves the title of king of apostasy ?
by Chook ini think this would be a noble endeavour..
Mythology creatures I would say Jesus. Real people I would say Martin Luther. As for our local cult I would have to say Ray Franz then Paul Grundy.
Blood Issue.......something for thought, where is the logic.
by CovertsadJW ini have yet to read about the contradictions in the jw teachings on blood, but i have personally witnessed one.
i am a medical professional and have seen hemopure administered for an active jw who did refuse a blood transfusion.
its not fda approved here, but given in special life saving circumstances.
Packed red blood cells with thier outer skin removed is hemoglobin and is an ok fraction per their documents. The very document I believe a 2006 August KM where by they say it’s ok to use Hemopure is also where they stated it’s ok to use Hemoglobin. I could be wrong on the date of the Kingdom ministry.
Blood Issue.......something for thought, where is the logic.
by CovertsadJW ini have yet to read about the contradictions in the jw teachings on blood, but i have personally witnessed one.
i am a medical professional and have seen hemopure administered for an active jw who did refuse a blood transfusion.
its not fda approved here, but given in special life saving circumstances.
Actually a JW can have human hemoglobin.
There is no contradiction on this point about their blood policy.
From my research the human hemoglobin for some reason is less effective then the product Hemopure. The JW blood policy in general is really fu$k up!
Isaiah chapter 14 is almost word for word the same as a Ugaritic text talking about a minor deity trying to take the throne of Baal . It’s used in Isaiah to make it seem as though he was talking about Nebuchadnezzar.
The isaiah writtings are a fraud same as proverbs where the 30 saying of Amenope found themselves. One can also see the writings of the righteous sufferer and the book being used as a foundation for the books of Job and Lamentations.
In case you want to see mass quantities of ignorance / stupidity on display....a dinosaur thread on JWTalk
by sir82 inhttps://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/34840-what-does-the-bible-say-about-dinosaurs/.
amazing how many words can be expended discussing things that people have utterly no clue about..
It’s really sad that we to at one time were thinking inside this box . A box of complete ignorance with no sources coming in from outside the box. It’s really sad that in this day and age and with so much knowledge at our finger tips theres still people and groups out there like this. It’s like discovering a lost tribe in the middle of the Amazon forest. But at least these people of this tribe would have and excuse for their ignorance.
Friends: Jehovah's Witnesses shunning drove Keego Harbor mom to murder-suicide
by adjusted knowledge inhttps://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/02/19/keego-harbor-jehovahs-witness-mom-triple-murder-suicide/351559002/.
Maybe the ex sister in the video at the hall had first hand conversations with the family and knew first hand that the shunning was a contributing factor. One can have a pretty good life but then come home and have to deal with family or friends shunning them and it’s definitely a downer.
Am I Overreacting Here?
by pale.emperor inlet's call him "dave".. dave: hello?.
dave: we dont have to tell you how she is.
dave: <her mother> has custody.
I take it your ex has left the cult but is not dfd yet? If so that explains a lot. I’m seeing more and more cases of JWs getting away with more and more and as long as their not dfd then it’s all good.
Other Religious Denominations
by Plato init’s me again, your favorite greek philosopher xdd.. i was wondering if any ex-jws around here have since indetified with other christian denominations.
if that is the case for you, how has it been?
do you feel more welcome?
Plato, stop wasting your time with Christianity, it’s mostly an evolution of older religious ideas mostly from Egypt but also Mesopotamia, Greece and Persia. The Bible it ripe with older stolen stories from Mesopotamia, Greece and Egypt.
Maybe if you study religion from India or something you’ll find a better idea of spirituality.