Occultism is "below the surface". Secrecy is "below the surface. So then, the Watchtower is an occultist organization. In other words, the devil runs it.
JoinedPosts by Jeannette
Is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society a Secretive Organization?
by Jeannette inisn't secrecy the same as occultish when it comes to a religious organization?.
by Jeannette insince i left the watchtower a couple of years ago, i started volunteering 3 hours a week at a wecare center.
it's like goodwill.
well, i've been there approximately 9 months, and yesterday i received a lovely thank you card from them.
Losingit, going out in service means standing at perfect strangers' doors and ask for money, basically that's what we do. If they do donate, we send it to the Society, 100% of it, we take the loss of the gas and wear and tear on the car, and TIME, my goodness, what a total waste of our precious time. The Elders are so brainwashed as to talk us into doing that work all the time. Again, what a waste of time listening to that. I say, get out, get out.
by Jeannette insince i left the watchtower a couple of years ago, i started volunteering 3 hours a week at a wecare center.
it's like goodwill.
well, i've been there approximately 9 months, and yesterday i received a lovely thank you card from them.
Losingit, going out in service means standing at perfect strangers' doors and ask for money, basically that's what we do. If they do donate, we send it to the Society, 100% of it, we take the loss of the gas and wear and tear on the car, and TIME, my goodness, what a total waste of our precious time. The Elders are so brainwashed as to talk us into doing that work all the time. Again, what a waste of time listening to that. I say, get out, get out.
Is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society a Secretive Organization?
by Jeannette inisn't secrecy the same as occultish when it comes to a religious organization?.
Isn't secrecy the same as occultish when it comes to a religious organization?
Is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society a Secretive Organization?
by Jeannette inisn't secrecy the same as occultish when it comes to a religious organization?.
Isn't secrecy the same as occultish when it comes to a religious organization?
The Internet Proves JWs Are a Joke Now
by jw07 ini'm a born in, born in the 1980s and old enough to remember studying beefy (albeit full of crap) material like the the evolution book and revelation book (which we studied over and over and over and over).
books and brochures were wordy and chock full of legalistic language explaining away teachings and policies, some explanations slightly above the iq of the average person.. watchtower studies were longer (30 paragraphs sometimes), talks were longer and thus meetings were longer, pioneering was harder (70 hours if i remember correctly), assemblies and conventions were longer, and there were intricate food provisions to feed thousands of people (for a cost of course).. the average jw could recite watchtower propaganda for hours to indoctrinate others or defend their faith.
jws were interested in having meaty discussions at the door and challenging even pastors on doctrinal points.. i know this has been said many times, but the organization has gone through a massive dumbing down.. i can't figure out if it's due to the oblivious nature of the current governing body, a premeditated attempt by them at dumbing down the organization, or just the effects of life becoming easier around the globe due to reliance on technology.. i can only speak on my era, and i know that from the early 90s until around 2004 the organization was allot more doctrine savy.. over the past decade or so i'd say the collective iq of the followers has moved from 105 to 85.. indoctrination and blind belief has allot to do with being prone to be emotionally manipulated, but thinking ability has a say in that too.. social media is a decent gauge of how and what the average person within a certain demographic is thinking, and doing a simple hashtag search on twitter, instagram, or facebook reveals allot about how the current generation of young jws (15-28 or thereabout) are thinking.. many have become self obsessed, internet obsessed, hubris filled and passive, i can see an even bigger decline in growth over the next 5 years.. take a look:.
They are a joke now.
What my mother should have done.
by LovelyEunie inthis is somewhat of a rant but every time i think of it it just pisses me off.. .
i never understood why my mom would never switch to another hall or whatever when she knew how i was treated by the people who were supposedly the 'best' association around.
my older sister also, because neither of us really had any jw friends because for whatever reason i guess we were pegged as the baddies because our dad wasn't witness (still isn't) and my mother stayed sick a lot so she wasn't able to do half of whatever was required.. .
You really had it tough, no doubt about it. I just hope that someway, somehow you can bury your past so that it won't affect your future, and do happy things. Festivals, etc.
Chariot is on the move, but slowly
by Quarterback inhere is the thing.
the gb is playing this up.
they are feeding the hopes of millions about changes to come.
I have read somewhere that Christianity (desert god), is on the decline I certainly hope so, we'll see. It's time to free the Watchtower slaves.
If the Governing Body Told You They Love You All Very Much, What Would Your Reply Be?
by steve2 inin a letter in the 2013 yearbook of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body sign off with the words, "we love you all very much".
these words were later echoed by one of the governing body in an address to french jehovah's witnesses in july this year.
these words sound so marvellously compelling and heartfelt - goosebump inducing, even.. imagine the governing body wrote these words to you or expressed them to you in person- yes to you reading these very words.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Welcoming International Delegates for London 2014 IC
by Da.Furious ini had the pleasure of joining jw's on the weekend to greet the international delegates who are attending the london 2014 international convention at twickenham.. nothing interesting, just waiting for someone with a badge to come through the doors and all will cheer!
the interesting part is how they are behaving:.
1- the overseer: looked really bored, trying to impress surroundings by talking loud and how he can talk to immigration and check on passengers.
I can imagine it all. Thanks.