JoinedTopics Started by nightwarrior
by nightwarrior inits been a while since i last posted on the site.. as a wittness i was governed by what i said was supposed to do and even act towards other human beings,my sinful life was ripped away by people using pages of the bible, showing what god wanted from me as a person,unfortunately being scriptually replaced by a character that i never realized, nor truth be told acceptable to jehovah god, but under the guise of a christian, we accept all that is brainwashed into our silly minds.
accepting all and everything without question,therfore this is known as being brainwashed, without you even knowing it iike so many within the congregation, was forced to adapt to a hidden manifesto which was be seen but not heard.
complain about any of the elders and you will be disfellowshiped, most of my time i was serving jehovah with a muzzle on my face which would only allow me to speak if i agreed with the elders i wasnot blind but what i saw and experienced as a wittness left me cold.
by nightwarrior inwell its been quite a while since i posted here, maybee 18 months ago.. hallo, to all our old friends and newbies.,.
yes i was dissasociated some 6 years ago from the org because i no longer believed in the false organization claiming to represent the creator.
i replied to an elder i wouldnot piss on any jehovahs wittness if the lot of you were on fire.
by nightwarrior inmy friend was killed last week on a motorway 250 miles from home while visiting his girlfriend .
a 44 ton lorry on the opposite side of the motorway crashed through the steel barrier and demolished 2 cars .
therfore 2 familys lost there loved one, my friend left 3 children aged 18 years upwards , .
mr and mrs nightwarrior
by nightwarrior inhi everyone who remembers us!!!.
sorry that we have not been on the board for ages - actually it seems like a lifetime as so much has happened... we moved house, and then one thing and another - and bang time flies... well this is just to say hello again and to let those who we have chatted with in the past that we are well and alive and kicking jw arse.... more later..... i have even had to rediscover the computer as i have been so busy i have not had the time to sit and'relax'....... but i am able to chill a little now so fingers crossed i will be back chatting to you oldies and you newbies (and alot of them aswell!!!!).
look forward to hearing from you all.
by nightwarrior indear all.
as we were off the site for awhile, we missed out on few things (moving house etc).
so mr nightwarrior and i would just like to say a few words.............. we wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year, may it be a good one!!!.
We went to the Winterwonderland Fest at the Dome
by nightwarrior inwell, this is the first proper christmas that we will be having, so no holds barred.. the dome (uk) is holding a winterfestival, so i took the children, it was really christmassy, we loved it.. no doubt i could find loads of faults, but what the heck, the kids had a great time, going on all the rides hundreds of times, and eating themselves silly.
ps.. rides and food don't always mix lol.. a good friend of mine came along, with her two kids as well, so when we get the photos, i will attempt to put them on here to show you.. by the way, my friend is my christmas guru, as she calls me her christmas virgin, so she is having great fun showing me some of the ropes.... mind you... i don't need much help.. but it is nice for her to feel wanted... she is as excited as me this christmas.. so if any of you are going to the dome, give us a shout, we only live up the road..... this was a nice way to start the xmas holiday feeling.... so go on try it!!!!!!!!!!!.
ta ra for now.
Nightwarrior is BACK!!!
by nightwarrior inwell i hope that we have been missed!!!!!!hehehehehe.
we are back on line (with a new server), aol mucked us up big time.. anyway i hope that you are all well, and hope that we have not missed too much.. .
we know that a lot happens in a short while... so we have a load of reading to do.. anyway.. look forward to hearing from you all.. mr & mrs nightwarrior.
Fame Academy - BBC
by nightwarrior inwell this is a programme that we would not normally watch, but.... our eldest son's best friend is on - paris - it is really strange watching him.. how sad are we - we are even watching bbc3 at 7pm, just to catch a glimpse of him, ( i am sure that the novelty will soon wear off)!!!!
oh well.... thought i would post this little piece of useless information.
a little light relief.
by nightwarrior inwhy is it that after all these years i have suddenly become aware that ,all jehovahs witnesess or those whom claim to be so called have actualy formed a judegment on the whole world of mankind , by stating that they have the only true message from god,.
what is that message and are they the only ones whom talck to the creator, ????????????.
the scriptures allways gave times and seasons when god talcked to mankind ,yet the leaders of this tinpot organization have never ever published anything stating that jehovah talcked to any given individual,as he did with mossess or other men of old,my question is do the re followers need proof that they are serving god or are they serving man ,hhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
by nightwarrior intoday nw and i were out shopping with our two youngest (14,15).. well i got chatting to someone, and then realised that a group of about 20 or so young people had gathered close by, and then the clapping and singing began, and then, each one would take centre stage to shout about the lord!!
fine, everyone is allowed freedom of speech.. the thing is, today i realised just how angry inside i am regarding all religion, because as i am stood chatting, my two kids are stood behind me, and were being spoken to by one the group, and so i was listening with half an ear, then begged to be excused, as i turned around and explained that really we as a family were jws for 30 odd years, and we have had enough of religion, so kindly back off.
i returned to chatting, and still this woman continued chatting to our daughter, who has been brought up to be polite, and not to be rude!!!