JoinedTopics Started by nightwarrior
what colour was jesus
by nightwarrior inwhy all the racismn within the world .
,personaly i cant understand it,i know people can be racist against culture,but colour ,come of it.
,jesus was brown ,mosess was black he had to be living in egypt ,have angels got a colour if not why not ,dont be afraid to answer as i wont hold it against you if you dont ,me i have great friends from all nationalitys .have you transended from the obligitory type cast person that you were born has your life been enriched by meeting someone of another culture, i know we have been richly rewarded.
elders are siffting out bro & sis making an...
by nightwarrior inelders in my area are sifting within the congregations,.
london england .
e.g whom they consider to be rebeliouse /bad association/not even going to the persons homes announcements made because they can.
Have you taken the pill today. how is it.
by nightwarrior inmy children saw the pain & suffering caused by the body of elders ,over a period of years covering brothers & sisters shuning my children & taking sides with the elders in stead of righteouse acts,continuing in to a second congregation,falsley accused of gossiping ,etc which was investigated & found untruthfull the perpertraters were elders wives,as i stood up to the elders over wrongfull practices within the congregation them accusing them of being bent,etc.
on the bright side ime not complaining as the truth has been made even clearer to me & my family .. the truth will set you the film ( the matrix ) your offerd a pill to swallow ,red pill or blue pill.
take the red pill & you remain the same nothing changes ,everything remains the same.
persecution of a family,why
by nightwarrior ini picked up a thread .
which disturbed myself greatly an x jw has certain evidence he has uncoverd and is being hounded by the authoritys in america, he claims dates & times which affect & change the perspective we have been given by different bodys ,the site has been closed down twice so be quick if you want to view this information .
the address is .
Ever been abused by the society
by nightwarrior inever been ******************** (edited for language) .
now thats something ,you may answer no, do you think youve been *abused by the socirty heres a question for you whatever religion you are in, or were in ,youve spent years doing as you were told,you thought you were serving jehovah,or some diety,think of your experiences as a training ground for life.
all the time you have spent there youve been placed over a barell, with someone rumaging through your pockets ( donations etc,) telling you what to do, and now you realize youve been shafted over & over again, but look on the bright side youve learnt quite a lot,youve had your mind cleansed ,your heart has been broken ,youve sufferd pain sorrow ,discomfort ,anxiety, hate jealousy , broken friendships ,family fueds sleepless nights pressure,& much more ,all in the name of religion especialy at the hands of yoooooooour brothers ,its the closest you will ever come to,to be driven insane, .
by nightwarrior ini just want it confirmed do jehovahs witnesses celebrate birthdays & christmas.
or do worldly people not celebrate them ime confused.
i have seen a presiding overssers whole extended family celebrating birthdays,& receiving birthday presents from each other/holding partys over the christmas period/mind you they were allso married in december ) so that they wouldnot miss out on the christmas spirit all legal and above board ,.still serving in ( avery hill congregation london se9.
where do we go from here (disullusioned ) with man
by nightwarrior innow that i have shaken of the stupor of being a cloned wittness, of 20 yearsi find it very hard to decide what do i do now.. i know that man has a built inherent motivation to worship i havenot been active for the past four years but i still beleive in a creator ,of sorts loving caring compasionate ,with a host of other qualitys,as seen, am i alone in the woods with my thoughts,.
i will willingly share my experiencess for all to see ,but i refuse to get involved with any man made organization again, even the scriptures warn us not to put our trust in any man ,i took this to heart when first attending meetings, i decided that all my children should have a trade,to have a worthwhile type of employment not to go to bethel, as somemost familys want for there children ,and not to become a window cleaner as most of the lazy brothers i knew jumped on this bandwagon hence window cleaners lead to perverts, you know the scene peeping toms up the ladders and wammo,peering through bedroom windows ,therfore is this the first steps to being paedophilia in later life ,.
i beleive that the youngsters should be baptized around age of 30 years of age ,why do you dissagree with me can you see the trouble & problems faced by youngsters today,jesus was 30 years old when he got baptized so i beleive,why have the society gone against the scriptures & example of jesus,do we follow jesus example or do you worship the society.
were you forced to give up your fleshly family
by nightwarrior in.
please take note.. when i first started studying with jehovahs witnesses ,over a period they lead you to beleive that your family are serving satan ,therfore hidden pressure is put upon you to ditch your family ,if your weak you will do as you are told but as allways they make you think your doing it for god,its so they can start to control you slowly ,your familys gone your old friends are gone you have nothing else be warned then comes the reliance upon every single word the elders say to you hypnotismn comes allso through the literature ,.
i kept my family at a distance i never allowed man to dictate ,pluss i had no opposition from my family in times of need i was there to support my greater family and now i still have them if needed why make yourself miserable.. thank god i never bowed to the presure of relinquishing my family ties
elders & presiding overseers bent business ...
by nightwarrior inthanks for all your support & help.
,initialy i had an overwhelming type of feeling that i was linked somehow to be some form or type of priest,dont know how or why ,as i come from a large poor family,had been in trouble with the police at any early age ,as living in liverpool the culture was to go done a no hopers road to destruction,forcing you into / borstal or prison,i ended up in prison at age of 18 years old, anyhow i still had this feeling inside myself,later on in life i became a jehovahs witness,my point, i then became stunted as far as my feelings were concerned i had to put them to one side,because i was introduced to the faithfull & discreet slave /annointed,but every year i felt as i should take the emblems offerd ,but never did,for the past four years i have kept away from the kingdom hall ,but in the last 2 weeks i have felt even better ,knowing that the body of elders see myself as a threat to their being exposed by myself especialy.
concerning there dealings with my family orchestrated through the presiding overseer (joe little ) from chislehurst congregation in eltham london england.. my factual insight into the goings on within the organization as abaptizeed brother are shown for sole purpose of those lost souls whom may need help ,.
unknown to me disassociation
by nightwarrior ini am new to all of this, even tho i have not been going to the meetings for nearly 4 years now, through the basic hypocrisy that i faced and the witch hunt i have had to put up with over the last few years.
because i dare to expose the bent dealings of a car salesmen, who happened to be a p>o> i tried to ignore all of this and thought let them get on with it.
my wife continued going to the meetings, and was shunned the whole 4 years, despite both of us being very active members of the cong.