Even if there was (somehow) a worldwide flood, how do they read these things into the Bible account? All we know from that story is that Noah built an ark and that his family entered it. That's it. And yet they presume to infer that Noah and his family had no interests at all outside of building that ark.
JoinedPosts by rocketman
6/15 WT - WT Society can Run it's Business - but JW's Can't Have their Own
by flipper inin the typical do as we say , not as we do type mentality - the wt society puts forth in this current wt study article ( jw's only wt ) - that it's not " advisable " or " reasonable " for jehovah's witnesses to seek entering their own business ventures , or further themselves by getting a college education, or even have a career - due to the imminent coming of the alleged " end of the system " or alleged " paradise " .
the guilt and control used here is ridiculous.
in the article titled , " why put jehovah's service first ?
Being publicly religious is a lot like being a NUDIST
by Terry innudists let it all hang out.. "look at me!
" is their motto.. being the center of attention doesn't bother them as much as it encourages them to be all they can be...in full public view.. .
in fact, exhibitionism is at the core of this personality.
I've often wondered about the place of religion in 'the public square' as I call it - open displays and discussions of religious nature. My feelings are mixed:
Praying in a restaurant is something I've seen and actually admired, when done discreetly.
I tend to frown on public dicussion of religious matters unless the entire group is religious or interested in it.
"REVELATION BOOK" Which Interpretations Are The Most Wacky?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inyou studied the revelation book, two, three or four times?
what is the worst interpretation of a chapter and verse, of this book?.
the cleaning of the society in 1917-1919 by jesus christ?
The Trumpet Blasts (thanks for the quick review Sapphy) were, to me, the most ridiculous interpretations in the book.
What Are Some Musical Groups And/Or Songs That Everybody Liked But You?
by minimus ini never loved the beatles.
i especially didn't care all that much for john lennon.. bob dylan, i never got his appeal!.
any songs that just didn't do anything for you?.
I'm not afraid to admit that I like The Monkees. Sure, they were put together as a U.S. response to The Beatles and didn't play on their early albums, and had that campy TV show. But they did have talent, and the recent passing of Davy Jones actually saddened me in a way that few celeb passings do.
As for more of what I don't like, I forgot to mention hip-hop and Country. Now there are some artists who cross over to and/or from Country that do quite well. Elvis Country was a favorite of mine, and my favorite Elton John album is Tumbleweed Connection, which, while not quite Country, does evoke similar imagery and sound. And there are songs from the likes of Eddie Rabbit and Glenn Campbell that cross nicely into Pop.
What Are Some Musical Groups And/Or Songs That Everybody Liked But You?
by minimus ini never loved the beatles.
i especially didn't care all that much for john lennon.. bob dylan, i never got his appeal!.
any songs that just didn't do anything for you?.
It's funny how our feelings change about music over time too. Undercover mentioned how he views some groups differently now. Through the lense of time, I seem to do the same. Back in the day, while my brother repeatedly spun albums by Led Zeppelin, The Who, Aerosmith, Boston, etc., I was kind of on-board but never shared his enthusiasm. Yet now I find that some of their stuff was really pretty good.
I was in my late teens during the Disco era and essentially hated the stuff, but now I look back and find a certain charm in at least some of it.
Another couple of bands I still don't "get" though: Kansas (except for Carry On My Wayward Son) and REO Speedwagon (I call them "Air Supply with an edge"). Foreigner and Styx never thrilled me either except for songs such as Double Vision and Renegade.
I've also come to realize over time how much the music of Motown has influenced my musical taste. I have a special affection for a lot of stuff that came out on the Motown label or was featured on Soul Train.
What Are Some Musical Groups And/Or Songs That Everybody Liked But You?
by minimus ini never loved the beatles.
i especially didn't care all that much for john lennon.. bob dylan, i never got his appeal!.
any songs that just didn't do anything for you?.
Hey Minimus, yes, I am a fan of Elton's music; but I understand that while he has many fans, a lot of people either don't like his music or just don't see what the attraction is. It's just like everything else in music - purely subjective.
By the way, this April was the 40th anniversary of the release of the song Rocket Man as a single.
What Are Some Musical Groups And/Or Songs That Everybody Liked But You?
by minimus ini never loved the beatles.
i especially didn't care all that much for john lennon.. bob dylan, i never got his appeal!.
any songs that just didn't do anything for you?.
I certainly like the Beatles, but I actually think they're somewhat overrated. I'd catch a lot of flack for that if I said so publicly. I'm not saying they're bad - something can be very good, even great, and still be overrated.
Bruce Springsteen is another one. Again, I like his songs, but I don't quite understand the attraction his fans seem to have.
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of The Moon is, to my ears, an album with one great song (Money) and a bunch of strange stuff. Again, I just never bought into the mystique.
However, one of the great things about music is exactly that - it is very subjective. We each feel its pull in different ways.
Maybe she's the woman that George Costanza dated so that he could get Mora (the gf who refused to break up with him) to suspect he was cheating (Episode "The Strongbox"). George: "she looks like an orange".
Symbols of death!
by Marvin Shilmer insymbols of death!.
today i added a new article to my blog addressing symbols of death.
watchtowers has wasted no expense to document and use one of these symbols to advance its own interests.
It could be argued that the policy of not possessing political party cards in Malawi (an encircled card with a slash through it, let's say) would be yet another "symbol" of a botched WTS policy that led to suffering and death.
My son was murdered today
by truman ini have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
I hope you can somehow find comfort during this extremely difficult time Truman.