In the typical do as we say , not as we do type mentality - the WT society puts forth in this current WT study article ( JW's only WT ) - that it's not " advisable " or " reasonable " for Jehovah's Witnesses to seek entering their own business ventures , or further themselves by getting a college education, or even HAVE a career - due to the imminent coming of the alleged " end of the system " or alleged " paradise " . The guilt and control used here is ridiculous. In the article titled , " Why Put Jehovah's service First ? " on pg. 21 it starts comparing modern day JW's to Noah and all the old Bible characters.
It states in paragraph 4, " Do you think it would have been reasonable for Noah and his family to focus their efforts on DEVELOPING A BUSINESS , getting ahead among their contemporaries, or establishing a comfortable lifestyle ? OF COURSE NOT !! Knowing what lay ahead, they avoided such DISTRACTIONS . " O.K. Now this is just stupid. So what the hell does the WT society want ? JW's to just lay down like dogs, go on unemployment and welfare and pioneer ? Well, essentially yes, I guess, since so many JW's pioneer on unemployment, welfare, or disability ! And here's an interesting question : Since WHEN did developing a BUSINESS become only just a DISTRACTION ? Having owned my own business for 29 years now- it's MORE than a distraction - it's how I clothe, feed, house , and survive to pay my wife and my bills in this " world " we live in ! So what right does the WT society HAVE to tell JW's they can't be distracted by owning a business in order to feed their families ? The truth is : WT society does NOT have that right- yet they claim they do by controlling JW's to THINK they can tell them what to do in their work and employment life. It's disgusting.
Now notice this little quote and bit of hypocrisy on the WT society's part. From paragraph 6 & 10 it states, " Rather than FOCUSING ON A CAREER or any pleasures in this system of things, our focus must be on Jehovah and his service. But how wise would it be to invest a lot of time and energy in pursuits that are NOT of LASTING VALUE ? " O.K. I HAVE to inject a thought here : Since WHEN is having a career or running a business NOT of lasting value if it feeds, clothes, and provides housing for your family ?? O.K. Read closely this next quote : HERE is where the WT society justifies in a hypocritical way THEIR own business expansion : " Granted, Jehovah's organization continues to plan for new Kingdom halls, branch facilities, and other theocratic projects. These endeavors, however, DO HAVE A FUTURE because their objective is that of promoting Kingdom interests. It would be appropriate for all of Jehovah's dedicated people to set similar priorities when they make plans. " Translation : We the WT society can run and expand OUR business because it's for Jehovah & kingdom interests ( liar, liar pants on fire ) - however YOU individual Witnesses should NOT be in business to benefit yourself ! It should only be for kingdom interests ! Because that's OUR interest ! You know- WE , your corporate leaders ! Sigh .
Then there's one last attempt to instill GUILT into teenagers and young JW's by this quote about college, " No doubt, school counselors sincerely believe that it is in your best interests to pursue higher education and to plan for a secular career. Yet, their confidence lies in a social and financial system that has no lasting future. " ( How the hell does the WT society know that ? They're making Billions off the current system in real estate ventures ! ) It goes on, " On the other hand, by pursuing a theocratic career, you will be pursuing truly worthwhile and lasting goals . " Uh-huh . Right. While Armageddon never comes , JW's remain unemployed, on welfare, or disabled and keep pounding senselessly on doors for the corporate benefits of the WT society- to the neglect of their families, food, clothing, shelter, and financial security. Once more - a disgusting " do as we say, not as we do " statement by the WT society.
Bottom line is it's required of committed JW's to neglect and forsake having careers , or earning a good living for their familes - it's more important to the WT society that every red cent goes to the WT society's corporate monster so the long term real estate goals and business plans can continue to go forward into another 70 year overlapping , alleged " time of the end " . Hey- The " end of the world " promises that the WT society uses is a great marketing tool to keep JW's hooked into being controlled and scammed out of all their time and money. Unfortunately- it seems to be working on millions of JW's up until present. In my opinion it's unethical, immoral, and barbaric for the WT society to dupe and continue to use people this way for how many years ? 133 years now I believe it's been.
This thread is presented in hopes some lurking JW's will wake up and see they are being taken to the cleaners - literally. As always I look forward to and welcome any and all comments and takes you have ! Take care, Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper