I picked the Cowboys to win. I'm 1-0 on the season - time to quit while I'm ahead.
JoinedPosts by rocketman
Cowboys Beat Giants 24/17
by yknot in.
praise be to the football gods!!!!!.
giggles *somebody* owes me a congratulations.....
Leolaia: Where is your story?
by pirata ini looked through your posts but couldn't find your life story.
have you written it?.
i would love to read your progression from/through jw to avid scholar :).
I've always enjoyed your posts Leolaia and they are extremely informative and challenging. Keep up the great work!
by Quentin interry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
I'm sorry to see that you're in such a predicament Terry - I hope you recover quickly!
Favorite LAST episode to the ending of series drama or sitcom?
by dreamgolfer in1) mine, newhart show #2 - when "bob" wakes up and and said he had a dream he was running an inn in new hampshire.
and it is suzzane pleshette next to him.
still can't get it outta my little noggin.
Star Trek endings...
Next Generation's, I thought, was pretty good, though the old Picard seemed, well, really old. But I thought it was pretty thought-provoking overall.
Voyager - Gilligan finally got off the island that was the Delta Quadrant. I was just glad this show was over.
Deep Space 9 - I can't remember the last episode, but I do recall some decent shows as the Station was taken over, then recaptured.
Favorite LAST episode to the ending of series drama or sitcom?
by dreamgolfer in1) mine, newhart show #2 - when "bob" wakes up and and said he had a dream he was running an inn in new hampshire.
and it is suzzane pleshette next to him.
still can't get it outta my little noggin.
Friends ended predictably, and Seinfeld ended somewhat disappointingly for such a great sitcom. I can remember both finales (because they still air frequently).
Some series never even get an ending due to programming decisions. I don't think CSI Miami, which has been pulled after 10 years, had a conclusion. Or did it?
Actually, I liked what could have been the finale for CSI New York. I think the series has been renewed, but it was a close call. And last season's finale, with Mack Taylor shot in a convenience store holdup and fighting for his life, mirrored the series itself, which was teetering on the edge of cancellation.
Theistic Evolution
by cofty inthoughtful christians including scientists like francis collins and kenneth miller accept the evidence for evolution unconditionally.
the only thing that distinguishes their understanding of life from the views of dawkins is that they believe god planned and started the process intentionally.. just a word about the subtle but vital distinction between "theistic evolution" and "intelligent design".... over-simplifications alert - intelligent design is creationism in disguise.
it is a modern twist on the "paley's watch" argument.
This kind of touches on a little 'theory' I have about the Genesis account involving Adam and Eve:
Man evolves to a point where God decides that man can now be subject to 'test', and the account is allegorical.
Of course, this scenario is full of holes, and I don't even really believe it.
Why get "personal" when discussing a topic?
by Terry intrading insults happens among kids all the time.. intellectual development hasn't progressed to the point where they can present contrary ideas and opinions with persuasive appeal to reasons, facts and logic.. "i know you are; but what am i?".
"your momma's so fat....".
so, they fall back on childish mocking, provocation and personal attack.. as we grow older and have more education and sophistication our minds should mature---or so you'd think!.
There is no room for personal attacks here or at any other discsussion board, or in any discussion, period. It's not only disrespectful, but it's an indication of laziness of thought and lack of evidence (or research to find evidence) for or against a point of view/argument.
Good News to Make You Happified
by Farkel inhappified is a real watchtower word(tm), by the way!.
if you want to give the wts credit for anything, then at least give them credit for their remarkably simple solution to every ill suffered by mankind.. it is a "one size fits all" solution and might be part of the appeal the wts has attracting people who have a hard time with reason and common sense.. they won't specifically tell you what that solution is, though.
if they did, they would even get less converts than they get now, and currently they ain't gettin' many.
Good catch Jimmy Page...I had missed this one initially, and I'm happified that you bumped it up!
**MUST READ** AlanF's email to Knocking.org
by sf inthis is a must-read that, hopefully, will stay an "active topic" for all seekers and lurkers, by bumping it to the top as often as possible.
alan wrote it in randys {dogpatch} thread regarding knocking.org documentary and in reply to the email mr. engardio sent to barbara anderson.
however, it is so vital a read that it indeed needs its own thread:.
Alan F 's articles were a big reason why I was able to sort things out in regard to the Watctower's teachings. They were revelatory to me. Best wishes Alan!
Watchtower Talk Removed From YouTube As "Shocking And Disgusting Content"
by DT inthere was a youtube video that contained an excerpt of ciro aulicino's talk "you will be with me in paradise".
at some point it was removed by youtube.
it now shows the message, "this video has been removed as a violation of youtube's policy on shocking and disgusting content.".
I listened to the first several minutes, and the audio sounds legit to me; it's in line with Watchtower teachings. The line about 'all the gays will be gone, and no more lesbians' is appalling, but that is what their Armageddon scenario includes, so I don't see any signs of fakery with that.