And please don't tell us that your English isn't very good.
all things were fulfilled in the 1st century.it was obvious the messiah was talking to the people in that generation not a generation 2000 years later.. christianity has for 2000 years placed itself in the shoes of those 1st century beleivers and think all things pertainott hem today.when infact none of it does.
the prohecise of the messiah cmae true in the 1st century including revelation which is symbolic, metaphorical apocolyptic language showing all tha thad been done .
the kingdom is here.the king rules and has done for 2000 years.
And please don't tell us that your English isn't very good.
is there new info coming out in june watchtower about how to treat families?.
Well, it's a good thing that Robert didn't die during those 16 years; his family may have never known.
not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but yeah.
they just posted up the new watchtower...with the confusing new information.. time for me to go dive into this "new light" and try to see what sense it makes.
of course cedars already nicely did a run down for us.. .
Excellent illustration about food sd-7.
i was just wondering i have a friend who is getting divorced.
she is 32yrs old and has 4 children ranging from 10 yrs old to 18 mths old and i wonder if she can ever really date again?
she's a really pretty woman but still i wonder.
A woman I know, who is several years older than your friend at age 32 (I'm guessing early 40s) is divorcing and she has four kids. It's tough. There's a lot of appealing things about this woman, but four kids is a tall order. I'd date her casually, but I'm not sure I'd want an instant big family, so I don't think I'd want to get serious - which means, by my standards, no I wouldn't date her. If there's no prospect of an LTR, I'm not going to date a woman just to break up with her eventually.
not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but yeah.
they just posted up the new watchtower...with the confusing new information.. time for me to go dive into this "new light" and try to see what sense it makes.
of course cedars already nicely did a run down for us.. .
Actually, this might set the table for eventually moving the "generation" of Matthew 24:34 to a time yet future.
If the events of Matthew 24:29-51 are yet future, then why not the generation, which is included in those verses? Indeed, this would harken back to the "Sputnik" understanding that was documented by Raymond Franz, which was an interpretation espoused by three members (not including Franz) of the Governing Body while Franz was on the body.
I'm not saying they'll back-date it to Sputnik (1957), but that the basic premise is similar - the Sputnik idea came from the notion that Matthew 24:29-51. The concept of the "generation" verse being among those in a 'third part' of Matthew 24 (as well as Mark 13 and Luke 21) was what precipitated the Sputnik idea.
So I'm wondering if their understanding of the "generation" of Matthew 24:34 will be changed the generation, whether of the anointed or just of mankind in general, that will be alive and witness the future events postulated in this article.
Of course, with their new 'overlapping' generation understanding, they have already created an "out" to some extent. Hence they may not really need to update their "generation" understanding.
not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but yeah.
they just posted up the new watchtower...with the confusing new information.. time for me to go dive into this "new light" and try to see what sense it makes.
of course cedars already nicely did a run down for us.. .
After reading the four study articles, plus the blurb on the new GB member (who, by the way, was baptised after many of the 'Other Sheep' were and is younger than many of them). it's my thinking that this series will end up having an effect similar to the November 1995 series of study articles about the "generation" of Matthew 24:34.
This could be a 'last straw' article, much like that one was for a lot of JWs. The implications of these articles are staggering - that, once again, this religion can simply change long-held teachings whenever they deem necessary.
please sorry for english, i have only been learning for 18 months.
everyone please think about it, and beware of any initiative designed to solve "a community problem".
becasue russel also started his own cult on a similar premise like this , claiming to have all the answers to issues whose solutions seems obscured to the majority in his days, and here we are today, constantly bashing our fingers on the keyboard in a bid to finding comfort from the mess he had put all of us into.
Hi Excellency, what's with 'pardon my English' stuff? Your English seems adequate.
I tend to be wary of people who use the 'excuse my English' line, because sooner or later it becomes an excuse.
As for AAWA, I personally am treading very lightly, but I don't get too excited about much of anything these days. I do think it's a noble endeavor. Could it become cultish? Well, that seems like a stretch, but I guess it could.
On Cedars' initial thread I did point out the irony of starting a group that has, as one of its main objectives, is the freeing of people from bondage to false religion. Yes, that does sound familiar, doesn't it?
But for now, I meant it only as a bit of comic relief. Only time will tell, and I say let the AAWA have at it.
Interesting. So Brother Dunlap essentially, as Terry already pointed out, had this thing pegged 33 years ago. And now it's becoming official doctrine.
I will reiterate a post I made 12 days ago to a thread started by Cedars on this topic, and that is that this "new light" actually makes more sense. When I was a teenager, we had an old sister who partook and so was supposedly, back then, a member of the FDS Class. And yet I wondered how that could be the case when she (and thousands like her) never contributed anything in the way of direction or distribution of spirtual food.
So it's very interesting to find out that Ed Dunlap had that same view. And again, this new understanding makes more sense, even though it is being taken generally in ex-jw circles as a further consolidation of power by the GB. And perhaps indeed it is. Whatever the case, it's actually, in my view (and apparently in Mr. Dunlap's view as well) that this a better interpretation.
Of course, my main question now is: What took them so long?
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
OOps, I thought that was you Cedars. Well then, Ethan Hatcher has a cool hat.
As for the cute blond, yes, I figured that was her husband next to her. Well, he married a nice-looking gal.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
After watching the video (which I couldn't do earlier today while at work) I have just one question:
Who's the pretty blond with the British accent?
Oh, and Cedars...cool hat!