Dear Windchaser,
I'm so very happy for you and your son! It sounds like he may need his mom.
One thing that disturbs me about your post. Please forgive, I'm rather new here & and don't know you so, these thoughts are just my opinion.
your comment "I was such a rotten mother" . Now, you stop saying that! Ok, really, stop it. Parents do for their children what they believe is best for them at that moment in time. It sounds to me that you raised a pretty good MAN, who has the maturity to put aside a past he may not have liked to say he loves you, his mom, and is concerned for you. YOU taught him that and you done good!! As for your daughter, you didn't say whether you have any direct or indirect contact with her. Well, you know, moms (& dads)do what they believe is best for their children in the manner they know is best, which in most liklyhood was a mix passed down from thier parents & society &/or religion. But if you are reaching out to her, letting her know you no longer have those JW beliefs (assumption on my part-pls correct if wrong) the prognosis she will come around should be good.
Keep doing what youv'e been doing! You sound wonderful!
Merry christmas, and please keep us posted on that grandbaby!!!
Love, More (mom to 4, grandmom to Hanna who will arrive any day!)