JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Theocratic Ministry School cancelled. Why?
by the girl next door inis it possible this aspect of the meeting was cancelled so that jws would not be categorized as a "school" where in many areas elders and ministerial servants would have to submit to a background check by secular authorities?
It sure would be nice if there was some kind of correspondence or something found on the internet that shows that religious institutions are being required to have background checks for those with schools now or soon. -
Funny link tool (courtesy of a redditor )
by berrygerry inhttp://www.gizoogle.net/xfer.php?link=http://www.jw.org/&sa=u&ved=0ahukewiizpdc8rbjahwc6rqkhx0tdy4qfggbmaa&usg=afqjcnepguvdw6ee4plaajxajjav0tpasg
OMG! That is SO funny!! At first I thought, oh no, bummer, this is just another way to get to jw.org, but then when you look closely, then the fun starts to role in. Then I started to think, "yeah, I bet you hackers have tried to do this a 1,000 times already. The GB must have hired out a pretty good team to keep them safe. -
The money question...
by Tornintwo ini am intrigued to know if there is truly any evidence of financial irregularities in the jehovah's witness organisation or if any one or group are raking off funds or benefitting financially...?.
whilst i disagree wholeheartedly with most of their teachings and practices, dogmatism, legalism and superiority complex, i don't honestly think there's anyone making millions at the top.
yes you could say that the gb are comfortably off, don't have to pay bills etc but they do actually get up in the morning and 'work', they aren't going off in private jets to tropical islands or driving bentleys.
Regarding that $35.9 million granted to those donees and that amount is simply representative of a paper transaction to "forgive" Kingdom Hall loan...well I remember how it was announced that when the society forgave the KH loans how this was such a loving arrangement and all. Well, hmmm, now wait a minute, think this through for a second. If they can show all this money being pushed back off the books, you know, all these loans being forgiven everywhere it makes them look like they don't have much money receivable, am I right? Then it makes them look pretty thin. Soooo, when lawyers look at the WT to sue them they see less assets.
Now there is a LOT less assets in New York, a lot less assets the world over. It sounds like there is a lot less money in there coffers. And in another post, in Australia, they are selling Kingdom Halls and combining congregations.
So, if that was their move on forgiving the KH loans then that was pure evil. "If ever that evil slave..."
Mormons vs. Jehovah's Witnesses
by Downtowner inforgive me if this has been covered before but i haven't seen anything about it recently.. in exploring the two faiths, mormons vs. jehovah's witnesses, which were both founded in the 1800s with the mormons being slightly a slightly older religion it seems mormons is a more attractive religion than jehovah's witnesses.
do not get me wrong, i'm not looking at joining the mormon church.
but i still enjoy studying other faiths and different belief systems.
Downtowner you said, "Think about it... if a church is spiritually strong, why do they need to silence those who may teach something that is not in line with the church teachings? Only if they are trying to hide something."
I agree. JW's will say, But even the Bible says at Titus 1:9, to "reprove those who contradict". And yes that's true. But JW's always go beyond what is written and then throw out of the congregation those who contradict. The Bible doesn't say to throw you out, it just says to reprove. And the thing is that most of the time it's NOT contradicting the Bible that's the issue, it's man made policy that's harmful to people. Like the have to have two people as witnesses to a pedophile case in order to establish it. If no two witnesses the matter is dropped and the perp goes on terrorizing. If you persist in asking for a change in this policy you will get thrown out.
Message from an elder
by paradisebeauty inelder: plese watch the november programm on jw broadcasting.. me: what i hope for is the change of the doctrine that states that jesus is not the mediator between jehovah and all jw's but only between jehovah and the 144000. i believe jesus is my mediator even if i am not one of the 144000. .
elder: may jehovah open your mind and heart.
me: may he open everyone's mind and heart.
I looked up "how is Jesus our mediator" on Gotquestions.org and in part they said that Jesus was the mediator "between God and people." I liked that point, between God and people, not between God and just the anointed.
Then it said, "The new covenant mediated or presented through Jesus offers this forgiveness of sins and presents us as just and right before God—something no person could ever earn through works. It is a gift of God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ".
How simple and plain they put it. I never did like the point the borg would make that Jesus was never our mediator. It never made sense to me. But in a few paragraphs through gotquestions.org it does. Go figure.
An elder bought my son a suit
by Clambake ini guess being two months old and coming to the kh in his onesee was kind of offensive .
how rude of me.
i am thinking about returning to him.
@apostate - totally LOL at your pic!
@clambake - I have to ask. Does the suit fit or will it take another year for it to fit him? I just can't imagine companies making suits for 6 month old babies. But I do see them making suits for 3 year olds but not for 6 month olds. So was it given to you as a gift for him to grow into in the later years, say when he's three?
Is the JW Broadcasting having good results for the Org?
by thewalker inwhen speaking with brothers, i can see they really like the jw.org site more than magazines and books.
i can imagine them publishing more and more articles and news as it's more dynamic and creates a sense of alert with brothers looking for new articles to read instead of the boring monthly magazines.. but when it comes to the jw broadcasting, it's something different.
even elders admit they aren't watching the monthly broadcastings.
Here in the midwest U.S. the friends don't say much about the broadcasts. There is one elder I know who watches them and that's about it and maybe a couple of pioneers. But nobody goes around bragging about them. -
2015 November 20, BOE!
by Atlantis in2015, november 20, boe.
.. re: magazine issue dates (see attachment).
click the green download button.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/d5ivman.
Atlantis, thank you again!
This letter to all BOE makes it apparent to me that these guys in New York clearly do not have enough to do. Please place the magazines with corresponding issues according to their numbers of the month basically. It just amazes me that they will send out a letter to every single elder in the U.S for such a detail as this, petty really, but not lift a finger to help be proactive or even reactive in during the Australian Royal Commission. I remember 90% of all of the ones questioned by the Commission said they didn't do their homework in preparing it, including listening or reading the testimony of the victims. But hell yeah, we'll send out letters of this nature!
by EJ257 inplease be aware of everything that is happening around the world at this moment in time.
this goes to anyone, ex-communicated, removed, serving, believer and non.
at this point in my observations i have realized many religions/ideologies know there is some sort "end of time" or a transition into a new order of living in this earth.
EJ257, Welcome to this board. Oh, don't worry, you haven't worried the least of us. 95% of us here have heard this till the cows have come home many times over. You sound like a 1967 Awake magazine. I do agree with one of the things you said. There are hot spots that's for sure, no one will disagree with you on that. And hot spots will come and go. And I think that's the whole point. If you were dong this for longer than 5 years you would have seen that. I've been seeing this for 40 years.
But this site is open to anyone. And your opinions count as well. And again welcome. And please share more.
450,000 UK child abuse cases in 2yrs
by GodZoo inmy lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.https://www.rt.com/uk/323321-child-abuse-rise-family/.
No doubt some of the are from JW homes. Some of them will have the courage to speak up.