JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Predictions for 2016
by LevelThePlayingField inso, it's that time of year again.
here's a few of my predictions.
) no armageddon.
park ave boy - your post is as funny as hell. LOL! Awesome. -
Writing my Disassociation letter
by Bebopin intoday i am working on writing my disassociation letter.
i successfully faded a year ago.
but i feel like i can't keep looking over my shoulder anymore i just need to be completely rid of this cult.. any suggestions on letter and it's content?.
Just make sure that you really think this through. Remember they all will shun you for good. Compare that feeling against the feeling you have of "always having to look over your shoulder" and people nagging you about the meetings. It may seem nice to be "free" but free is really a state of mind. Because you are already free. The people who go to the Kingdom Hall and are believers in what the Governing Body says are not free. But you don't believe all that now already. So you are already free. So, can you live with yourself and just be able to simply and politely turn down the requests to go to the hall?
Think about. How different would it really be than if you never were a witness? They would be asking you to go to the hall just like they are now, right? Right. So if you never were a witness, never had that belief system, then you could just simply say no thank you and move on with your day. Well, you are actually in a very similar situation now. Maybe show up to the Memorial, just like a worldly person does annually, to make the family happy, and you're good for another year. And you get to keep all the friends that YOU like. And all the JW snobs that you don't, forget them. Just like in the world.
So keep the best of both worlds, if you choose to. Just something to consider.
Another conversation with my father
by joe134cd inthis is a conversation i had with my father when a short article on the pope came up on tv.. joe= you know i think this pope will do good things for the catholic church.
he's trying to get greater financial transparency not only for his organisation but also for religious institutions in general.
i mean the guy even chooses to drive around in a very modest car to save a dollar.. father= true.
Charlie Brown= "Good grief!"
But seriously. We all saw the logic here. As I was reading your dialog I was thinking, that's the org for real. But your father with his JW glasses on saw nothing unfortunately. Keep trying.
ultimatum stop the practice of shunning or lose your charity status.
by joe134cd injust curious what would wt do if a government said reform your policy on shunning or you will lose your charity status.
we will also be monitoring your reforms and there will be consequences if not brought up to our standards.
They would plead to the rank and file for their prayers as they battle it out in the world court. And if they lost, well, then, if you think they are digital now, boy, let me tell you, hey grandma and grandpa, get up to speed. It's time to buy an ipad. And I mean yesterday.
They would go all digital. I think they would stop printing the WT and Awake completely worldwide and tell all the JW's that they are still printing it, it's just digital now. And when you're in service you can place those magazines by telling them to go to JW.Org, and if they say they will, then you can count that as a placement.
I think everything would go that way, digital that is. They would completely, worldwide cease all printing. I think they would probably for nostalgic reasons and for some simply printing needs keep one of their paid-off printers running.
The cart witnessing would also cease. The GB would have a letter written that says effective immediately please place the rest of your inventory of your witnessing carts books and then we will have to wait and see what Jehovah has in store for the future. They would keep lamenting about how the preaching work is still moving forward now more than ever and that this may be an indication of Jehovah's direction because nobody really reads the newspaper or paperback much anymore. Everybody's digital.
And guess what? Yep, the JW's would eat it up like Thanksgiving dinner.
And I think if they did that, they might, just might keep afloat.
Three very dangerous men escaped from a high security prison in Argentina because guard, a JW, had no guns
by ILoveTTATT2 inif you want to read up on the background of this, read this first:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/triple_crimethe convicts of this crime escaped from a high security prison in argentina because the guard, a jw, had no guns.here are the news sites that mention this:http://www.infobae.com/2015/12/28/1779500-fuga-los-hermanos-lanatta-el-guardia-del-porton-la-carcel-no-tenia-armas-porque-es-testigo-jehovahttp://www.perfil.com/politica/uno-de-los-guardiacarcelos-a-cargo-de-la-fuga-de-los-lanatta-no-usaba-armas-por-ser-testigo-de-jehova-20151228-0051.htmlhttp://www.diariolaprovinciasj.com/elpais/2015/12/29/datos-insolitos-fuga-hermanos-lanatta-schillaci-43690.htmlhttp://www.elintransigente.com/argentina/2015/12/28/triple-crimen-insolita-justificacion-guardiacarcel-arma-360553.htmli am copying part of the article and translating to english:triple crimen: la insolita justificacion del guardiacarcel sin armatriple crime: the unbelievable justification of the prison guard without a weapon.
los hermanos lanatta y schilacci se fugaron del penal de alvear sin mayores resistenciasthe lanatta brothers and schilacci escaped from the alvear prison without major resistancebuenos aires.- pasan las horas y cada vez aparecen argumentos increibles para las serias medidas de seguridad que supone un penal de maxima detencion.
ahora se filtro la insolita justificacion delguardiacarcel reducido por los condenados por eltriple crimen, los hermanos lanatta y victor schilacci, para fugarse de la carcel: no tenia armas porque es testigo de jeova y la religion le impide la portacion de las mismas.
I would love to see the English article, or even part of it, thanks. -
Predictions for 2016
by LevelThePlayingField inso, it's that time of year again.
here's a few of my predictions.
) no armageddon.
So, it's that time of year again. Here's a few of my predictions. Please tell me yours.
1.) No Armageddon
2.) A very pointed and detailed article comes out from our favorite GB team about apostasy. This article will really nail it. But it will be so much like Tight-pants-Tony that it will wake up more people than warn because it's so brash.
3.) The org will NOT sell it's fortune in Brooklyn in 2016. It will happen later. Why do I say this. Most other properties, according to Wiki were sold around 7 years after going to "market".
4.) Your turn. . .
Do you play?
by talesin inthis song reminds me of childhood, and kitchen parties........... do you play?.
Oh, I get it, nice. I'll leave it at that.
Anthony Morris Says The Governing Body Is Not Dogmatic, But Simply Must Be Obeyed If You Want Jehovah's Blessing
by Brokeback Watchtower inwarning lots of compartmentalization going on, with huge leaps in logic and a whole lot of just beleive me because i say so.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhyfm-zikbq.
Ah, you see, I'm catching along just fine here. I have seen in several threads now, and thanks for mentioning it stuckin, that the GB will say one thing like we're not dogmatic and then dogmatically say you must obey us. You see I'm being educated in little ways all the time. Don't get me wrong, I've noticed this in the past and even done a head scratch.
But I just enjoy the comedy of the education and all sometimes.
As regards to why Morris is so lathargic, I think his meds must have been kicking in when they recorded that part. You know, after that tight-pants part last year, they had to tame Toni-the-Tiger.
Is Watchtower Really A Real Estate Business?
by OneFingerSalute ini told a still in dubya that the wt was now officially in the real estate buisness.. they looked at me like i had grown a second head.
so i showed them a web site, which they loudly proclaimed to be "apostate".
then i showed them the rest of the web site and asked how long the official jay dubya dot org web site was aligned with an "apostate" web site.. i hate to link that site but as it is somewhat covered up by the dubya's and it may be of some use in making someone think about the money grabs, and the constant begging for more money from those who have little of it for the necessities of life i do so here.
Wait, so you showed them the watchtowerbrooklynrealestate.com website and they said it was apostate? If I understand you correctly on that then this person is really indoctrinated because the society is using that site to help them seller their realestate. Wow. -
What are the economics of cart witnessing?
by slimboyfat inon another thread shepherdless sketched out the past business model of jws and its demise.
until 1990 they were a straightforward publishing business with the tremendous advantage of free labour in production and free distribution agents.
since then they've been relying on donations for literature to keep the old model going.
Betterdaze - good research work on finding that, thanks.