JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Partaking of emblems
by sloppyjoe2 inthis year will be my first for by going to the memorial.
i will get asked by my parents how i can deny jesus even if i don't believe the end is close.
my thoughts on this are as follows, bear in mind saying it's all make believe is not an option.. i think that jesus intended for everyone to eat the bread and drink the wine.
I am going to partake even though I'm not sure if I'm going to heaven or living on a paradise earth. I just think it's what Jesus said to do, so that's what I'm going to do, and if others ask that's what I'm going to tell them flatly. And yes, I'm still active. Oh, yes, you can bet they will lay the "he's mentally diseased card" on me, go ahead. -
Money to Org
by truthlover ini know this has been talked about to death but this week our loving faithful and discreet slave wrote a letter to all congregations in canada - keep 1500.00 a month in congregation expense account each month for the next three months coverage,(4500.00 in all) 5000.00 for any problems that may arise but send rest into them.
so aren't we lucky to have 9500.00 still left in the account!
the elder reading the letter indicated it was for the kingdom hall building work!!!.
Well the good news is then that I think you guys and gals in Canada might have been the org's last stop because I think they tapped pretty much the rest of the world out of their funds. So now that they have depleted everyone out and they got everyone broke, then if the org still doesn't have enough funds then it will be really funny. And I bet they still don't. Ha ha, too bad. -
How often do you....?
by Lostandfound inhow often do you, ........ no not that, how often do look at this forum ?
and how long does it last,....... no not that again (one track minds) how many looks are you addicted to a day?
keep coming back to see anything new, or do you look at posters who you know from experience have comments that will interest you?.
I try to get in here at least once a day. If there's a hot topic I'm interested in, then more than that. -
New lyrics to a song, are they too strong? looking for feedback
by Greybeard ini’m addicted to love.
i’m addicted to the big o .
so all you hypocrites .
I like it, Rock on! If it's rock that is. Pretty funny too. -
What was your local needs this week?
by dbq407 inours was on making use of phone witnessing and letter writing.
both ineffective and wastes of time.
another local cong.
Ours was a video shown from JW broadcasting about a sister who went to serve where the need was greater. Then the COBE asked how that could apply to anyone in our cong. He said that young or old we could be like that sister in our spirit. -
Brooklyn Brownstoner article: Reader Unearths Fascinating 1969 Letter About Then-New Jehovah’s Witnesses HQ
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.brownstoner.com/blog/2016/01/jehovah-witness-history-brooklyn-squibb-1969-donations/.
reader unearths fascinating 1969 letter about then-new jehovah’s witnesses hq.
by barbara eldredge 1/25/16.
Very nice to see you on the video Barbara. Great work you do down to this day as well. -
Would you kill for the org?.......YES I WOULD!
by olongapo joe inso, a few years ago my jw parents, my non jw sister and her husband, and myself were discussing religion and jw beliefs.
my parents of course defending the jw's, the rest of us, against jw's ( it may not have been specifically against jw's, maybe just religion in general) anyway, things are getting a little heated, and i finally ask my pops, if the watchtower bible and tract society told you to go out and start killing muslims, would you do it?
yes i would, was his reply, to which i say, then your not any different than the radical muslims killing in the name of religion.
I'm totally out mentally. In because of my in wife only. But when I was in, I was in 100%. I was a true believer in everything. I didn't doubt anything. But if they were to ask me to kill that would be it for me, I would be out. And I think I can say that with confidence, because when I found out about the society's involvement with the UN for most of the 90's, that was it for me. I started researching all the apostate websites, because to me, "that was it". They couldn't be trusted anymore, and they no longer were the true religion anymore, period. And the rest was history.
So kill for them, hell no.
Is that a brother praying what do you think?
by slimboyfat inat the risk of revealing how i waste my time on youtube, is that a brother praying after about 45 seconds into this video?
what on earth is he doing?
That grandma lady is gonna either get busted by the cops or get busted in the chops if she does that to the wrong guy. That's a misdismeaner (spelling). -
FYI, video aired 1/26/16 in Italy: Google translated title: "Shocking article on Jehovah's Witnesses , When a religion takes away freedom "
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.peoplexpress.it/2016/01/26/le-iene-pelazza-servizio-choc-sui-testimoni-di-geova-quando-una-religione-ti-toglie-la-liberta-video/.
google translated into english below.
article in italian at the end.
I don't speak Italian, but it looked like there was cameras in the judicial committee? What was being said during that meeting, does anyone know? And if anyone speaks Italian, can someone please give us a breakdown of what the video was about a little bit more please. -
Some thoughts on the new midweek meeting
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthe new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
I absolutely hate the new meeting format. I'm glad this discussion was brought up. You are right. There is no room for individual thought. Well, I take that back. There is two questions during the first part of the meeting where you can raise your hand during the bible highlights, if that's what it's still called. But in my congregation, that's all that gets called on is two people. Two questions, so two comments and that's it. The rest of the meeting is stale popcorn. I really think the whole thing sucks.
I've never really gone to the meetings and hated them until now. I just seems like we're all over the place. And I can't stand it. If it wasn't for my in wife I would not be there at all.