JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Why are witnesses all so highly stressed?
by stuckinarut2 inwitnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
You know these comments are so true. Especially the ones about people not being able to be themselves. There was a resolution at our hall about some minor modifications and no one had any questions at all about them, just go ahead and approve the money. Now any thinking person would have questions, but not the JW. -
Lets hear what your local needs was about this week
by dbq407 inours started out with matt.
25:23. he brought out that "good and faithful slave" was talking about the anointed but wait for it.........yes the principle can be applied to our cong.
well tonight it was about getting all the territories worked once a year.
Back to the OP, in my cong. the local needs was about, How to beat a bully with out using your fists. It was a video by the you know who. Faithful slave, a cartoon about how to beat the bully with out using your fists. It was an OK video, but rather bland. Afterward it was a question and answer session. Yuck. -
Here is what kind of person (Prince) a celebrity JW is
by Terry inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lhcparuzpc
The video showed who Prince really was. A JW on a mission. But a disillusioned one at that. -
Has Anybody Hear a Rumour That Prince Died?
by cofty inwhy do people care so much about celebrities?
I just heard the news. Can it really be true? I keep hearing rumors...
How Many Elders And Ministerial Servants Are There In Your Congregation?
by Village Idiot ini'm curious to see how much manpower a little congregation - a hundred?
- requires to keep it running.
Does anybody see a pattern here? -
San Diego: Osbaldo Padron v Watchtower
by wifibandit inhttp://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2016/apr/24/ticker-tough-build-jehovahs-witness-sex-abuse-case.
tough to build jehovah's witness sex-abuse case.
11. without documents, says plaintiff, he can’t get justice.
I hope those WT bastards get what's coming to them! -
Has Anybody Hear a Rumour That Prince Died?
by cofty inwhy do people care so much about celebrities?
I have not heard that Prince died. Are you serious?
How Many Elders And Ministerial Servants Are There In Your Congregation?
by Village Idiot ini'm curious to see how much manpower a little congregation - a hundred?
- requires to keep it running.
There are roughly 95 pubs in my cong and have 4 ms and 5 elders. -
I've set up a new facebook page
by JeffT ini have created a new face book page “jthomasbooks.” this will serve as a place for me to advertise my writing and provide a convenient forum for your feedback regarding my work.
please feel free to friend me at that face book page to see announcements about what i'm doing.. it will link to my blog, where i've added an article about the lack of transparency in the watchtower's finances.
Much needed, especially now with the org promised the $700 million from Jared. I bet this won't make any news on JW.org news site. And when they finally get the money from the sale they won't put the missionaries back into the field, nor will they disclose how the money will be spent. Well maybe, just maybe they'll give a vague one liner about how they will put it to good use on much needed maintenance on buildings globally and KH construction.
Yeah, right. Go get' em Jeff.
Japanese sister woke up with this Watchtower article !
by nakanozzi ina japanese sister who recently woke up revealed me that she became extremely suspicious about the organization after reading watchtower article .oct.15 2015page31.
I just hope the 'faithful and discreet slave' continues to print such articles like this. It will wake up more people. Simple and plain. When I first looked at this article I really didn't get it. But then I read the comments and wow, then I got it. So not everyone thinks the same. There are 8 billion people on the planet, and when they print an article, it is available for ALL to see, and the light bulb goes on. They really don't know what they are printing.
Print on, slave, print on!