I've been finding out more and more that JW's just don't debate nor defend their belieifs anymore, at least not like they used to. If they get cornered like what happened then they just "walk away" from it all. Whatever happened to the witness who stood up for their beliefs? I guess their all dead now.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Im Going To Approach A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inthe city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
Has waking up ever made you physically ill?
by fizzle inhas waking up ever made you physically ill?
perhaps because of the emotional strain etc..?.
if if so what were / are the symptoms?.
About 3 years ago I found out about how the society was involved in the UN. That started me to wake up. I was very very angry. Told my wife and family about it and was very surprised that they didn't feel the same way I was feeling. Then I started quickly figuring out that they really don't want to know these things but are happy with the status of their religion and that's that for them. Then I found this forum and jwfacts and with in a year I thought I was totally awake. I was having a real hard time processing it all. I felt all alone. Then the ARC happened and at that point I no longer thought JW's were God's organization. Then about a year later I thought for about 2 weeks maybe, just maybe JW's have the truth and God is allowing these things to happen. But then I kept waking up more and more and found out they even had changed many key verses in the Bible to make their religion work for them, then I knew 100% that this isn't the truth.
And actually I have been pretty happy and content since. It freed me really. Now when my wife and I go to the hall cause she's totally in and doesn't know I'm mentally out, it doesn't even bother me. In fact I look for the BS in each meeting and feel proud to be able to catch it all.
Survey: Are you Agnostic or Atheist or Christian?
by Iamallcool ini am agnostic.
i will count how many agnostics, atheists and christians that are reading this forum regularly.
please answer my question.
JWs and taking blood
by dogon ini have a brother who works in the medical profession and in particular surgery rooms.
he had a jw woman who needed blood.
while the jw elders were there she said no blood.
My wife's aunt was pretty sickly a few years ago. This was when I was still totally JW. I asked what her blood count was while we visited in the hospital. It was around 6 if I remember right. Then the next say it was 8. I was surprised as I didn't know that a persons blood count could rise that quickly. Now I know it can't. She must have had a transfusion. And she was a die hard witness, or so I thought.
Learning Other Languages
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthe jw org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7.
they ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.. in last week's watchtower article on spiritual health they are putting pressure on the congregation to learn other languages on top of everything else they do.
they allude to the fact that their spiritual health will suffer if they cannot understand the talks and publications in other languages.
I sat in the KH during this WT. I kept thinking, if a person where to move to "where the need was greater", all they would have to do is see if their children were up to it in the first place BEFORE moving and then feed themselves spiritually from the language of their birth and there would be no spiritual danger at all. The GB makes an issue of something and therefore it is an issue with people. Same with beards. If the dumb GB would never make an issue of something, like stumbling others because you have a beard, then there would be no issue. DUH!
Have you been to Brooklyn lately?
by lrkr ini happened to be in brooklyn yesterday and decided to take a spin around the old hq.. the factory buildings have cool retail at ground level and offices or loft apartments above.
the whole factory complex area looks very cool- now that it is not jw'd..
Well, at least there was one picture...
Learning from History
by no-zombie ini was reading the book 'five stages of collapse' by dmitry orlov, which discussed in part, people's attitudes toward the probability of societal collapse.
one group of people, those who dispassionately examine facts, like scientists, engineers and accountants ultimately become diametrically opposed to the group of people with vested emotional interests, like politicians, businessmen and economists.
and he made some interesting comments that parallel our situation when we consider how people are polarized over the future of the organization..
Interesting. One thing though. We almost always get "new light" at an assembly or through the Watchtower. But if they bring out new light say gradually over years, bit by bit and then the religion actually changes from "Armageddon is just around the corner" religion to a religion that believes the end will come, but just don't know when, and it may NOT be around the corner.
Say in 20 years that's how the GB will spin it. Now what? It's just a "feel good religion" that anybody can join, and all the die hards who are 70-80 years old will pretty much be gone and the younger generation will take over.
Who knows what people's attitudes will be like by then concerning the things you have brought up. Maybe no one who's a JW will even care about the child abuse issues, whether they make the JW's look bad or not. Right now all the die hards just say it's apostate driven lies. But in 20 years maybe the GB will have changed and have everyone just call the police for a change. My point is, trying to say the JW's are on their way out isn't really holding up much water. I think they will be around long after we are all dead, sorry to say. But the GB will just change, just like with the overlapping generation thing. Just change it...
black dog comes to visit
by zeb indear friends,.
once again my depression has got the better of me and i must bow out for a time.. "the angels sang glory to god in the highest and on earth peace unto men of goodwill'.
so if that means at this special time of the year then have a happy and safe christmas time all of you.. hugs.
Zeb, take care of yourself. Be back soon. We'll hold the fort down.
The Evils of Aluminum
by NeonMadman inaluminum was an issue that became a real “tempest in a teapot” for the watchtower.
it influenced their teaching for almost 50 years and, frankly, created an impression among observers that their members were off-the-wall fanatics.
for all those years, the golden age and other watchtower publications took the position that aluminum cookware and utensils were one of the great health hazards of the 20th century.
Boy, the art work of the day back then. If that were to be published now, it would be an outcry. They ranted and raved about how bad aluminum is for several pages. It would almost be an entire magazine now a days. It's so silly of me now to ever think that these people had holy spirit. sheesh.
Very interesting experience
by joe134cd injust watched this you tube clip in its entirety.
thought it was extremely well done.
Wow, that's funny. I just watched the same video last night. Yeah, basically, he was baptized at 9 years old, was a super rock star JW, but since high school has had some doubts. Those doubts became more and more as he has had run ins with other JW's who woke up. But he wouldn't have any of it until he watched Jackson's ARC video on Youtube. That was a game changer for him. Then he moved away from his parents home area, about 1.5 hours away, got invovled with a girlfriend and fessed up to the elders. Got DF'd but told his parents he'd be right back to Jah ASAP. Found out more TTATT from John Cedars channel and that was it. Oh, and he read Crisis of Conscience. Now he's one of us. :)