Some witnesses will say at the door that "there are some who go to heaven, but the calling now is for those who will live in a paradise earth". And that's really as far as it goes.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
An Obvious Omission in the J.W.'s Good News!
by The Searcher inas baptized or unbaptised witnesses, no one ever discussed or even mentioned (at least in my jw experience) this topic: .
"we are preaching about the good news of the kingdom.
why do we preach about only one hope - living on earth?
"Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."
by pale.emperor innow that im not longer a jw this verse puzzles me.
being born and raised a witness, this verse confirmed to me that jesus was talking about a paradise on earth.
but now that everything the witnesses taught is 99.99% incorrect can somone explain what he was getting at here?
I agree with the part that some believe that one time in the future those in heaven might be placed back on the earth. To be honest, I wonder about that scripture too.
How to reply when someone asks about your spiritual health
by RodrigoGuerreiro infirst of all, sorry if i cannot correctly express the original expression used in my native language to ask for the "spiritual condition".. a few years ago some member of the family asks my wife directly how is her "spiritual health" (for me it's one of the many strange vocabulary used by jw like "the slave says...").
she was catched by surprise with the direct question and says that everything is ok... and luckily someone call them for lunch.. my question is: do you have any good answers for that question?
you can be ironic/use some humor because the question is a little bit anecdotical .
From my experience, most witnesses are asking because they care for "your spiritual health". And I say that in quotes because to them, spiritual health is all about the things you do, like meetings and field service. If you do those things they think, then automatically you will be healthy, which isn't true.
Then there are some witnesses, usually elders who ask to be noisy or think they can fix you. You're hours are low or you've missed meetings. Again pointing back to what you do in those activities means good spiritual health. They are only victims of what they have been taught.
If you look in the Bible, it isn't like that at all.
Some apostates are coming across as crazed psychopaths
by jambon1 ini'm not sure whether or not my view on this is correct so please leave your input.
in recent months i've been viewing youtube videos.
again, it might just be my view but there has been an increased amount of random people grabbing a camera and doing vlogs.
I think there has always been those type of apostates. But by and large, now a days they are much fewer of them going around as compare to 20 years ago.
SPAIN - number of Kingdom Halls
by darkspilver inplease note that this post links to websites that are in spanish, if that's a problem, please do not click on the links!.
it is now just over two years since the wt send the now infamous 17 september 2014 letter regarding the programme of building kingdom halls to all congregations in spain.
(letter page one / letter page two).
Good research. I think this shows the picture of things happening in various countries where the org is consolidating the congregations. If you need cash then this is the way to do it. Sell off a KH and move the two congregations to just one hall. If they do this "everywhere" then it shows us that, perhaps, the org is thinking that down the line there will be less of a percentage growth. The reason I say that is because, long term if they consolidate the congregations and they continue to grow, then that will be a problem in the future. They will need more halls again.
But maybe even if that happens they will simply build using the new KH design. So they are ahead anyway?
Things that make you go hmmm.
JW requesting food assistance to Babylon the Great.
by sp74bb inbarcelona (spain), jan 8, 2017 at 1.30 pm.
two publishers of the tagalog group in barcelona (public meeting at 4.30 pm) do visit an evangelical church barcelona downtown to receive free food bags.... i can confirm that the queue was long.
the pastor in charge of this church has not allowed me to take picture of some older jw living barcelona downtown, but i was able to catch these young publishers.
the org forgets the part of the Bible that says to feed the poor. It's all about the preaching work and that's about it. Sure you get a mention here or there to "help others in need" but the org should be the ones setting the example in this regard, but they never do. They just say to help others in need.
Yeah, it could even be argued that they do help others in need during natural disasters by rebuilding JW's homes, but the Bible doesn't say only take care of your own, it says to help "others". That they don't do.
Not one visit, 8 years in a nursing home, and not one visit!
by Raymudas Martini inmy dad{rip}, was a faithful jw since the year i was born, i'm 60, he died 2 years ago.
his last 12 years were spent in an assisted living/nursing home right in the small town where he spent the last 8 years of being an elder/pioneer.
when he went into the home, one brother would visit him regularly, but after 4 years, that friend moved away, and visitation from the locals ceased, for 8 years!!!!!!!
flipper, they were worried that the worldy medical staff would steal from mom and dad? That's a crazy idea. So where is the trust? I can see why you were frustrated to say the least. That would have made me very angry.
I know what you're saying, and yes, I see it all the time. It's really just the stupidity actually.
Giving money is thrilling?
by punkofnice inwatchtower study edition nov 16 pg 19. classic............................ .
"...and to see how such resources are used faithfully and discreetly?" Wait a minute. We never get to see that. Now the org requires each congregation to submit its financials to them to see where the money is going, but the org themselves do not do such a thing.
So I'm missing where we actually get to see where the money is going. If we did, then we could see for ourselves if it's being done so faithfully and discreetly. Just imagine if they were really transparent and had a line in their reports for lawsuits....$xxx,xxx million.
Data for Partakers from 1935-2016. Latest number wasn´t this high since 1954!
by ILoveTTATT2 ini gathered the data for the memorial partakers every year since 1935 (the first year they had data) until now.. the latest figures haven't been that high since 1954!.
this stat looks very bad in watchtower land because the decreasing # of partakers was given, for decades, as proof that the end was near!.
I agree, there are more than 144,000 in that graph. Well, maybe it's really close to that number anyway. So with all the anointed in the first century through until now, plus what the graph shows, it certainly is WAY above the 144k.