I am very sorry to hear about that. But, I often wondered how this whole prayer thing works anyway. I mean JW's are taught that God doesn't do miracles in our current time, that it went away with the original apostles. So then, why do JW's pray for those who are clinging to life? Are they praying for a miracle? Sounds like it doesn't it.
So which way is it? I remember in my congregation there way an elderly brother who was on his death bed and all the brothers giving prayers were praying that "he make it through" because none of the doctors said he would be alive in 24 hours. But he did pull through and is still alive today and that was a year and a half ago.
So, in this case does that mean that God helped him, did a miracle just for him? You would surely think so because everyone at the hall, including the brother said things like, "Jehovah is surely good, I pulled through this when all the doctors said I was dead for sure".
So why help that brother but not the poor baby? Or another question, if God doesn't perform miracles today any more, why pray like that at all? Aren't you asking, basically for a miracle when you pray, "please help him through this so he can live..."
Honestly, since waking up, I can't figure it out.