JW: How was your morning in service?
Me: Good. At this one door, I was "boasting in Christ" to this lady. (Phil 3:3)
JW: What?
Me: Yeah, "so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified" (2 Thess 1:12)
JW: But...what about Jehovah??
Me: "do not become ashamed about the witness about our Lord" (2 Tim 1:8)
JW: Uhh...
Me: Yeah, I told that lady, "Rise, get baptized, and wash your sins away by your calling on his name.’ (Acts 22:16)
JW: Why you preaching your own thing?
Me: For I am preaching, not about myself, but about Jesus Christ as Lord (2 Co 4:5)
JW: But, what about Jehov..-
Me: (cutting her off) Look, let's change the subject. I heard there was 8 baptized at your assembly. It's nice to see that "many are becoming believers in the Lord" (Acts 9:42)
JW: You mean they search the scriptures and come to Jehovah's organization!
Me: Nope. They should have come to Jesus so that they have life. (John 5:40)
JW: Nope?! You got it all wrong. Romans 10:13 says to call on Jehovah to get saved?!
Me: tisk, tisk. Acts 8:12 says "there's no other name than JESUS to get saved"
JW: big eye-roll
Me: Look here, I'm ready to die for the name of Jesus (Acts 21:13)
JW: Well, I'll die for Jehovah, so there! (thumbing nose in air)
Me: Let me cut to the chase. Do you have Christ's spirit? (Romans 8:9)
JW: what?
Me: We need the spirit of Jesus (Phil 1:9)
JW: I belong to Jehovah and his organization!
Me: I belong to Jesus, he's my master (1 Co 3:23, Col 3:24)
Me: You're lookin at me funny. Just ask brother elder about what I'm saying. He's "fine soldier of Christ" (2 Tim 2:3)
JW: (Clearly upset) Look brother, you need to stop all this Jesus stuff. You sound like Christendom.
Me: (stepping closer) No one can separate me from the love of Christ, it compels me! (Ro 8:35, 2 Co 5:14)
JW: (Bigger eye-roll) When I got baptized, I decided to get to know Jehovah and his org.
Me: I decided not to know anything except Jesus. He's the perfector of my faith. (1 Co 2:2, Heb 12:2)
JW: Jehovah is God!!!!
Me: Jesus is Lord! (1 Co 12:3)
JW: But we honor Jehovah more than Jesus
Me: If you don't honor Jesus to the SAME level as you do Jehovah, then it's like you don't honor God at all.
JW: (Giving up and starting to walk away) Oh, Jesus...
Me: That's right.