JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
What bothers me is the GB writes this letter to the elders and doesn't bother telling the rank and file that the meetings will be video recorded. So if you get up there on stage your butt will be taped but if you weren't on THIS site and saw the leaked letter you never would have known that. To me, that's an invasion of privacy and I don't like it one bit! I think if they start video taping at my hall that's a complete stopper for me. I'm only in for my wife's sake anyways, but I'm not letting anyone tape me for nothing, just don't like the idea. -
No more printing of WT and Awake in my country.. Shit just got real
by cognitivedizzy inguys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
I agree with tim310rd, we might need a second person to verify this. Or just wait it out too. -
Question for believers, heaven or earth?
by Tornintwo injust trying to figure out what i believe in the wake of leaving the borg.
jesus message appeals, of course.
i just wanted to ask believers, christians, on this forum if you think the hope is heaven or earth.
Also, this scripture comes into play that on earth "righteousness is to dwell" after God makes a new earth. So remember that point as well. (2 Peter 3:13) 13 But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. -
Make your predictions!
by Coded Logic inthe more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
I predict that WT will continue to print less and less, and the GB's main way of communicating with the flock will be through JW Broadcasting and the like.
It will be an electric church in 5 years. Everything electronic. You can even donate now through JW.ORG for crying out loud. I also predict that they will make a donate button one day that is at the top of their web page instead of a simple note at the bottom of their page you can click on.
More propaganda will be issued out against apostates in the study addition of the WT.
More child abuse lawsuits in the U.S. which the typical JW will ignore but the thinking JW will not.
I predict about the same growth as in the past. Sorry guys & gals, the GB will just change the doctrine to fit whatever they need to. But yes, I do predict it will also churn out more that leave, but I also think it will never bring an end to the org.
No more printing of WT and Awake in my country.. Shit just got real
by cognitivedizzy inguys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
It makes you wonder, what will 2016 bring? -
Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st August 2013 for Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain
by OrphanCrow indownloadable as a pdf here.. i did a search and couldn't find this posted on the forum.
if it has been and this is a repeat post....i apologize.. there is lots of information in that pdf that may be of interest to our members who like numbers and money and misc info pertaining to wts organizational structure, etc..
Where the hell did the money go because if you read the report, the auditors said they did good in 2013. So then after that then in 2014 and especially this year is when everything must have fell apart. -
What I would like to see soon!
by John Aquila ini would like to see one or better two members of the governing body get disfellowshipped and they both go off to write books like ray franz exposing the cult to all the sexual scandals, the hidden agendas with the stock market investments, the lawsuits, the laying of long time bethel workers, hidden sins by the higher ups and all the other nasty skeletons in the watchtower closet..
what would be different today compared to rays time is that we now live in a social media world..
they would be invited to talk in the oprah winfrey show, ellen degeneres show, the view, dateline.
There is something wrong in WT land that is for sure John. What exactly that is, is anyone's guess. Now, if a GB member were to be like Franz and disclose all, that would be a modern miracle! I would love to see that too. I would just like to see the truth be known, that's all. And maybe that's what's under the surface. Time will tell.
Let it rain baby, let it rain.
Did you know anyone who commited suicide in the org?
by JH inback in 1991, a young brother maybe 18 years old living next to my place committed suicide.
his father expected him to be very zealous just like he was, but the son never wanted to be like that.
he was always controlled by his father.
Just like the OP, I knew a brother about 19 years old who hung himself over another JW girlfriend of his who broke up with him. He wrote a letter to her stating that he couldn't live with out her. The details were not stated to me at the time since I was going through the baptismal questions in 1991. I really felt bad for him. The girl simply moved on with her life. And now it's been more than 24 years since that time. If he would have not chosen suicide as an option I'm sure he would have recovered 100 times by now. I know I have suffered suicidal thoughts many times in my life due to times and situations, but have always managed to pull through. I don't know all the circumstances that surround the poor fellow. I just feel for him even now. -
No more printing of WT and Awake in my country.. Shit just got real
by cognitivedizzy inguys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
So then that means the chariot is in park in India. :) -
Does the W.T have financial problems are are they just rebranding?
by The Rebel init is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
The org will not die out. Nor is it on it's way to dying out. People keep saying this but I really don't believe this. Yes, they have been down sizing like crazy but they won't die out, here's why I say that: They may even at one point stop the school of Gilead if they can no longer afford to send missionaries into the field, but they will just spin that there are enough missionaries in the current field now and the big A is so close anyway. JW's will eat it whole with the right spin as they have with everything else. They will become essentially more electronic than they are now, more on line than they are now. Print less. That's it. Am I wrong?