JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Newborn Loses Faith In The Jehovah’s Witnesses After Record 6 Days
by Watchtower-Free ingreen bay, wiin a turn of events that has stunned the worldwide medical community, local infant nathan jameson, born just six days ago, has become the youngest person ever to permanently and irrevocably know jehovah's witnesses are a harmful cult..this shatters all previous records, university of chicago psychologist douglas mcallister said monday.
in all of documented medical history, there is no case of a newborn taking less than four months to develop the mental faculties required to grasp the full extent of this nightmare called jehovahs witnesses.considering he already comprehends harsh realities that most jehovahs witnesses spend their entire fleeting, shallow existences attempting to deny, baby nathan is quite the little miracle!
he added.though he has not yet developed the capacity for speech, extensive cognitive testing has definitively shown that the shockingly perceptive 6-day-old fully understands and accepts that jehovahs witnesses cannot be trusted, that they remain far too ignorant for their opinions to be reliable, that a lack of self-awareness about their own destructive cult pervades them as a whole, and that most are too ineffectual to successfully pursue facts evidence and reason.sources said the early-blooming newborn was putting two and two together about the real nature of the jehovahs witnesses cult even before leaving the hospital, where his first sensory experiences included the shouts of sick people arguing to get treatment they urgently needed, visitors staring vacantly at smartphones as they scanned jw.org for fear inspired motivation.local reports confirmed the babys disillusionment was only compounded by the fact that he spent his first days in the bleak and soulless company of jehovahs witness relatives , their empty cult non-culture allowing him to realize in record time that all jw pursuits are cold, joyless, and devoid of any substantive purpose or integrity.for a baby, he sure is an insightful little guy, nathans mother, melanie jameson, told reporters.
Articles like this make apostates look bad. A baby 6 days old can know this stuff? Come on! -
I couldn't take it anymore, although still in because of my wife, I did this...
by LevelThePlayingField ini dressed up in a hoodie, double layer so that the cameras at the kingdom hall couldn't recognize me.
i looked in the mirror up and down so i knew that the cameras, at least at the angle that i knew couldn't see my face.
i took this disassociation letter, stuck it in the envelope, labeled it, "(congregation's name...boe" by hand and sealed it.
I dressed up in a hoodie, double layer so that the cameras at the Kingdom Hall couldn't recognize me. I looked in the mirror up and down so I knew that the cameras, at least at the angle that I knew couldn't see my face. I took this disassociation letter, stuck it in the envelope, labeled it, "(congregation's name...BOE" by hand and sealed it. I have to admit. My adrenaline was pumping. If they looked at the camera footage in the morning and noticed my face AT ALL, they would know it was ME. And that would end it all for me. I HAD to get this right. But why was I doing this? It kinda goes back to what one of our posters said a month or so about a mass disassociation pact and I have always felt a need to "get it out of my system."
Besides, if my wife wasn't in, then I would write a real disassociation letter. No, you know what? No I would not. I would wait until it was my turn on the school, or should I say the new meeting whatever it is supposed to be called coming up, and I would take one of those micro video recorders with me to the stage and video record myself saying, "I, (my name), am announcing to the congregation, that I no longer want to be known as a Jehovah's Witnesses. I want to let you know from the horses mouth. This way when you hear an announcement a week or so from now, at least you know it came from me first. Goodbye!" And then exit out the nearest door. And have it all on video - two ways. One video recorder facing me and the other facing the audience for their reaction. I would pause for a second or two, then take both recorders and leave. And I would put it on youtube for all to see.
Anyway, that's my wish. But for now, all I have is this disassociation letter, which has a fake name and a real congregation name somewhere in Chicago that I picked out of random for no reason at all. It ought to have the elders in this congregation scratching their heads for at least a little bit.
I did this at night. And I parked my car a block away from the KH. I walked up to the mail box which is attached to the KH itself and dropped it into it. The camera is at the top of the door facing down. I see exactly what it sees when I'm at the meeting, so I think I'm safe here. It feels really good to get this off of my chest. I just wish I could do it for real. Then I could move on with my life. For all of you that have been able to do so, I am so happy for you, because it is so hard to have a wife who is still in, but I can't break her heart.
Here's a copy of my letter:
Dear Brothers,
This letter is to inform you of my desire to no longer be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was baptized as a Witness in 1987 in what is known as now as the Douglas Park congregation of Chicago. As you know I have been inactive for some time. But since the news coverage of the Royal Commission in Australia of the brothers showing what is truly going on in the organization it is really obvious to me that this is not the organization that Jehovah is using. If you had witnessed the Royal Commission than you would know, but if you didn’t than you wouldn’t. If you view the Royal Commission, then and you see the brothers give their testimony, then do you really think that this is Jehovah’s organization? These brothers lie to the judge right on the stand! You see the lies right then and there. Is that our brotherhood? Evidently it is. I do not want any part of it moving forward any more!
As you know none of this was shown on JW.Org news and of course it wasn’t because it show the organization in a bad light. But the truth becomes rather clear to me, what I had doubts for a long time about, that the organization does not protect the children, but protects the pedophiles instead.
So, take this letter as my official disassociation letter. I no longer want to be known as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I hope my card made it to your Kingdom Hall by now.
25-30 Columbia Heights headquarters up for sale
by wifibandit inhttp://www.brooklyneagle.com/articles/2015/12/3/breaking-news-jehovahs-witnesses-put-brooklyn-heights-headquarters-sale.
All I have to say is I hope that those special pioneers wake up to this news about the WT being so piggish.! Those are some real bastards I tell ya. -
2015 November 19, BOE! Circuit Account Balances!
by Atlantis indelete if already posted.. .
2015-november 19, boe.
.. re: review of circuit account balances.
"In view of the foregoing, a standing resolution should be presented at the next circuit business meeting." REALLY! SHOULD THAT BE MADE? Just go on ahead and make automatic an vote that everyone agree to this none sense clause?#! And that all excess funds be donated to the world wide work? OK if that's what you want Jim. Because it really seems to me that in the times past that we would hang on to this and carry it forward for our benifiet, for the friends. But if you insist, then we will send it to the www. Does this really make any sense? No it does not! Any anyone who is truly awake will see it! But unfortunately the only ones who are truly awake are the ones who are one this network... -
2012 New York Olympic nomination has a correlation with WTS property management
by Gorbatchov ini told earlier that i have a longtime contact with a friendly and valuable non-witness insider in the jw-leadership.
our contact has lead to friendship.
i had some fun and it was remarkable to see some reactions on this board, that there are no non-witness insiders.
Thanks Gorby, again the WT has somethings going on behind the scenes. If only we could verify it. -
Am I to understand this right, sales and acquisition of halls and remodeling must now be approved by the "branch" not locally?
by LevelThePlayingField inis this the now correct understanding?
does the borg now take over even the local kingdom halls?!
what the hell?!
Thank you all so much for your answering this for me. -
my sources tell me that it's time to pull out paper shredder
by poopie inat bethel.
they have dug themselves deep in hole they are shreddin documents little by little so stuart anderson cannot get his hands on documents that would cause them to open those wallets the shunning policy is being questioned so much
poopie - can you drop us a hint as to what the shredding is pertaining to? -
The watchtowers view on Rape!!! must see
by Khaleesi inthis person did a great job putting this together... i am disgusted with wt policies & them acting both judge & jurywatch "noonespecial - rapists - jw" on .
Good video. It really shows how things are in the borg. The borg convenently forgets about the scripture that talks about the woman in the field who gets raped that doesn't need a 2nd witness to get the guy stoned to death. I remember the counsel Angus Stewart using that with Mr. Jackson during the RC and I thought he did a brilliant job with it. But the WT never uses that scripture. They like to pick and choose.
I would like to to send this video to some elders but they would know who sent it to them. :(
Watchtower properties for sale website
by NewYork44M inhere is a great site in case anyone is interested in acquiring wt property in brooklyn heights.
I know this has been said time and again, but it merits repeating. Where has all the money gone? And if the WTBTS has another dozen properties yet to sell off, then alarms are going off in my head that something really isn't right here. Something must have really fell apart in the few months financially. You know how it is when you get this nagging feeling when something just isn't right. I'm no financial guy, but something is really a miss, and many a post has said it before. And you can bet your bottom dollar that WT will do everything in its power to cover over any kind of trouble it can. But sooner or later the trouble will catch up to you if you run out of money. -
Am I to understand this right, sales and acquisition of halls and remodeling must now be approved by the "branch" not locally?
by LevelThePlayingField inis this the now correct understanding?
does the borg now take over even the local kingdom halls?!
what the hell?!
Is this the now correct understanding? Does the borg now take over even the local Kingdom Halls?! What the hell?! Is this really true? Can anyone verify this? So am I to understand this correctly that they don't trust the brothers even locally enough to make a local decision as they have done for the last, what 50 years effectively and now, poof, that's gone too?! WTF>?!