They would plead to the rank and file for their prayers as they battle it out in the world court. And if they lost, well, then, if you think they are digital now, boy, let me tell you, hey grandma and grandpa, get up to speed. It's time to buy an ipad. And I mean yesterday.
They would go all digital. I think they would stop printing the WT and Awake completely worldwide and tell all the JW's that they are still printing it, it's just digital now. And when you're in service you can place those magazines by telling them to go to JW.Org, and if they say they will, then you can count that as a placement.
I think everything would go that way, digital that is. They would completely, worldwide cease all printing. I think they would probably for nostalgic reasons and for some simply printing needs keep one of their paid-off printers running.
The cart witnessing would also cease. The GB would have a letter written that says effective immediately please place the rest of your inventory of your witnessing carts books and then we will have to wait and see what Jehovah has in store for the future. They would keep lamenting about how the preaching work is still moving forward now more than ever and that this may be an indication of Jehovah's direction because nobody really reads the newspaper or paperback much anymore. Everybody's digital.
And guess what? Yep, the JW's would eat it up like Thanksgiving dinner.
And I think if they did that, they might, just might keep afloat.