So I stumbled across this the other day, please excuse me If it has already been posted. Don't know what you think but I found this idiotic, casting stereotypes and dangerous. So the scenario goes something like this, young brother finds himself in the company of a young lady at a bar. He ends up going home with her and they have consensual sex. He is now beaten up about all of this and to make matters worse she claims that she is pregnant and wants to marry him. The brother is feeling very remorseful and confesses to the elders. After a lot of head nodding the elders form a judicial committee. Now what I find idiotic is this:
1) This young brother claims she "seduced" him. So its this worldly girl's fault he couldn't keep his trouser snake in check? The elders don't even try to refute this. All worldly girls are out to seduce our JW boys I guess.
2) They meet at a bar, for the first time and hop into bed. The assumption that everyone gets jiggy when they first meet someone is false. In fact a survey showed that only 1 in 3 Americans have sex on the first date But I guess the Watchtower thinks all worldly girls will bed anything that moves.
3) This girl claims she is pregnant. Of course she could be lying or the baby isn't his. However the fact that the young brother never questioned this means he did not use condom, what a moron.
4) Which brings me to the idiotic elders. This young man probably went bareback with this lady who in their eyes sleeps around. Why didn't any of the elders ask or advice him to get tested? That should have been the No.1 concern and not what type of pornei he has committed or who should be in the JC.
5) Now that she is pregnant, the worldly girl wants to marry him? There are many who fall pregnant from casual relationships but don't go running to get hitched. What planet are they on?
6) Complete lack of concern for the girl. She is cast as the seducer of our poor brother who preys on men for her sexual gratification and one who is willing to sleep with anyone even without protection. Who knows what mental anguish she is going through, after all she is the one who will live with the consequences of this chance meeting for the rest of her life.
7) In my opinion, this shows the stereo typical view the Watchtower has on "worldly" people and especially women. The elders completely failed in looking out for the physical and mental well being of these individuals. All they seem to be concerned about is who will be carrying the big stick for the JC.